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One day in the Hood household, your daughter Sofia Hood wanted to watch a movie.  "mommy daddy! Can we watch Narnia??"  "Sure baby!" You got the movie ready and sat down to watch it. You were up to the part when Aslan, Lucy, and Susan were walking In the woods. "Mommy? What does Aslan mean when he says that?" "Well baby, it means, well, remember I told you that Jesus is like Aslan just in movie form? And Jesus died for us? "Yes!" "Good!! Well, Aslan means that the girls don't have to fear anymore, because he will conquer the witch. Even though he is dying, the witch does not understand that good always conquers evil, even though it does not seem like it. " you finished saying. "And what are my two princesses, and prince doing in here? " Said Calum. "Well Daddy, we are watching Narnia and our little princess over here wanted to learn
More about Jesus." "That's my girl!! You know who would be proud of you right now? Your grandma Joy and your uncle Luke. There the biggest Christians I know." (I don't know that but they were the two people that popped into my head.) "Do you wanna call them up and tell them?" "Yeah! Tell be so proud of me!" (Your daughter cannot pronounce them right)

C- Cal
DN- daughters name. (Whatever you want it to be)

L-Hey Cal!! How are you!
C- Good! How are you!
L- I'm good! So what did you wanna call me for?
C- well, your little niece over here wanted to watch Narnia, and then she was giving us a lesson on Jesus and asking questions.
L- hey! That's really good DN! I love to hear that. Maybe tomorrow we can talk more about it and give each other little quizzes!"
DN- Ok uncle Luke! Love you!
L- love you to princess!
C- alright, By Luke.
L- By Cal.
"Ok! Now we call grandma!
A/N- the same thing but with J for Joy and without Luke. I know it's hard not to do anything without Luke. But try.

J- hello Calum! How are you!
C- I'm good mom how are you!
J- good! What did you call me for?
C- well, your little granddaughter over here wanted to watch Narnia, and she is now giving us lessons and asking questions.
J- oh! That's so good DN! I'm very proud of you! Maybe we can have a play date and give little quizzes to each other next week!
DN- ok grandma! Love you!! Can't wait!
J- I love you to! See you later! Bye Calum, Bye Y/N!
C&Y/N- Bye mom! Bye Joy!
"Well! Let's go eat dinner and then we can go finish watching the movie ok? "Ok mommy!" And with that, the Hoods enjoyed the night together as a family.

A/N - Hey!! I'm Christian so if  you aren't, just imagine what you are and go from there.

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