Locked In

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::  ~I really thought I could change things. I thought I could show the world that I was not what they thought me to be; cursed.

But nothing has gone the way I wanted it to go.

Chained up. This just about sums up my whole life. I really fought my hardest to make things work out for myself. But I see no reason to fight any longer. There's nothing else left for me. I've ruined the few things I had.

Life hasn't handed it easy to me. Now that I come to think about it, I was never meant to be here, in this world.

Yet I am here. How?


Just another misfortune following me since the day my eyes opened to the light of this world.

It all started the day I was born.

The darkness that had long waited for its moment to flourish would finally have its opportunity. Accompanied by nothing else but death, tragedy...and myself. ~  ::


        In the heart of the night, the slight shimmering of the stars infiltrated deep into the basement, followed by cold gusts of wind and the constant trickling from the storm above. There, in the midst of that cold and dark place, sat what appeared to be a young woman. Sitting on her knees, she was as close as the chains that bound her to the floor would allow to the only source of light, which had managed to slide in through the high basement doors. But she wasn’t staring up at it, not any longer. The slight hopes she had once had were all but gone now. She no longer had anything she could hold dear to her, she had nothing she could lose or gain. This world had turned cold against her, had always been that way, even though she didn’t want to accept the reality of it until now. Her head was bent low, her un-proportional bangs falling straight down her pale face, as if hiding the pain and deception in those sad blue eyes of hers. But was it sadness she really felt? Or rather, regret? Guilt? Or was it hatred? She had no reasons to fight against the chains that bound her to the dark and cold earth. She felt as if she had been this way all along, she was all but willing to remain here until her last breath gave out. Were had all her hopes gone? She could have sworn that just some days ago her heart had felt a spark of hope in it. In that mere split second, she could have sworn that a slight hint of a smile had made its way onto her sorrowful lips. Had this really happened? Now that she tried to reach back to that moment, she couldn’t help but feel that it had all been but a part of her imagination. Perhaps one of those moments which came upon her as if to give her one last reason to reach out into the world she far back had longed for. As if to implore her body to stand up and keep moving forward. Making her wonder if there was something out there, waiting expectantly for her, and having been waiting for her presence even before she had come to exist in this world. But to what avail? She had tried time after time to prove worthy of herself, only to fail miserably each and every one of them. But was there really a chance left for her now? Now that she was held in this prison, which stank of death and despair? No. There was no hope. There was no longer any light which she could attempt to trap within her soul. There was nothing out there in this world that could possibly be waiting for her. For her who had been since long cursed to an eternal tempest of sorrow and devastation. For her, the light before her was but a last joke in her miserable life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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