Chapter 32: "That knee deep instinct to boot him in the balls."

Start from the beginning

I had more important things to deal with.

“What’s going on Little E?” Noah said staring gently at me.

Where to start?

“There are a few things I’m keeping out of this, but I promise you that it’s for everybody’s good. But I guess the most important thing is that it’s my Dad that’s coming after me.”

They all gaped at me, even the three that had been told in the car. It’s not every day someone tells you that their Dad is trying to kill them.

So with a shaky breath I began my story:

“A few years ago he was suspected of murder, but through his connections, bribery and blackmail he got away a free man. I was the only testifying witness and after all of that I had to go back and live with him, fucking jackass thought it was karma. He locked me in my room promising the day would come when he would get rid of me the way he did...That person, and I knew he would,”

I paused to look up at the gawking faces then looked quickly at my lap again.

“My uncle, who was a police officer on the case, got worried about me and came knocking at our door. I think he knew deep down that his brother was a murderer and when he saw me, all thin and forcing a smile since my Dad basically had a gun to my head he told Cassidy, he couldn’t do anything without my Dad finding out. And Cassidy got me out of there. I had to jump from a second story window, almost broke my neck, and she drove me to my uncles,”

They were all watching me, hooked on the story. But this wasn’t some fable. This was my life. I took a deep shaky breath as was neared the part I feared the most.

“He offered me something I couldn’t refuse. He knew that there was nothing to be done about what my father was, there was no winning, only escaping. He offered me a new life, a new name: a new identity. I took it. Cassidy was my friend, but only during the summer’s she owned a summer house next door to my actual home, so she offered to take her back with me. A different city and life, I took it. She got me the deposit on my apartment and I haven’t looked back since. Until now, until Cassidy got in contact with my Dad and told him where I was as revenge.”

I looked up from my lap to look around at all the shocked faces. Whatever they had been expecting, I don’t think it was this.

“Can you tell us who you were before?” Luke asked softly.

I shook my head, if they knew that they would know everything. He nodded and went quiet again.

“Then this is my fault.” Jaden whispered no hint of a question in his voice. I turned my body to face his and looked into those dark eyes that always want to steal my soul and nodded.

“Yes, it is.” Why should I lie? Why should we pretend?

He sighed and bumped his shoulder into mine a smile on his lips.

“None of this would have happened if you had just watched where you ran.” He pointed out and I snorted.

Good, point. If I hadn’t ran into Jaden on that day what would have happened?

“Now what?” Luke said his voice reproachful. I looked to my other side and shrugged.

“Never mind that, what the hell made you all run into my room while I was inches from making that girl see stars?” Nicolas asked cutting me off.

“I got a call from my Dad; he said he was here and that he knew that Nicolas was alone in the apartment. He knew your name, I panicked. I thought...I thought that…” I took a shuddering breath and shook my head unable to complete that thought.

“Well I’m fine, a little pissed, but fine. But that doesn’t explain how he knew my name.”

“Cassidy.” Jaden said from behind me.

I felt my mouth fall open, of course! Jesus, she must have noticed that Nicolas wasn’t at school today and told my Dad o he could mess with me some more.

That fucking cow.

“Little bitch.” Noah muttered shaking his head. I felt that knee deep instinct to boot him in the balls but refrained from doing so.

“I’m sorry,” I apologised quietly looking down at my lap again.

No matter what this was all my fault. Even if Jaden hadn’t slept with Cassidy I would always get someone hurt, this time it was the idiots in front of me.

“Shut up Little E, we can handle one psychopath fine.” Noah said smiling though, a little less than he normally would.

“Yeah, I mean, we deal with you on a daily basis.” Jaden added smirking at me.

“Go blow Nicolas.” I replied half-heartedly.

“Aw, come on. You have to mean it for it to actually happen.” He quipped back poking me in the ribs repeatedly.

“Why? I’m pretty sure it happens on a daily basis already.”

He chuckled but still poked me. I shook my head, insufferable prick, kind, beautiful, idiot that was  trying to make me smile.

“I hate you.” I muttered grabbing his hand and pushing it from my ribs, his smile softened but still stayed put.

“I know.”

I nodded and returned his smile.

“You two have to stop doing that.” Noah suddenly said brining Jaden and I back to reality.

“Doing what?” I asked slightly breathlessly.

“Going into your own personal bubble and forgetting that innocent eyes are watching you.” Nicolas replied smirking knowingly.

“Nicolas, I have seen every inch of you: trust me, you are anything but innocent.” I said with a grimaced ignoring what they were implying entirely.

“Ah that reminds me! I have a girl to fuck.” He said dashing to his bedroom where the whore was.

“What happened to Holly?” I asked after him he stopped in his tracks to look at me over his shoulder.

“You mention this to her and I will kill you by your boobs woman.” With that enlightening threat he left leaving the others to laugh at his parting gift.

“Thanks guys, for y’know, sticking with this psychopath?” I said when they had stopped laughing feeling like I owed them all something more than I could offer.

“We don’t care Little E, you have become a part of a larger crazy family. And we look after our own.” Noah answered me a soft caring smile on his lips.

Jaden and Luke were nodding along with him beside me, Jaden went as far as squeezing my hand again as it rested on my thigh.

A family?

Pity those always fall apart.


Bet you weren’t expecting that!

Quick update, short but I wanted it to end the way it did so...There haha

Do you think it was pretty sudden?

I don’t know if I rushed this...

There will be a flashback chapter but I’m saving that for when we find out about her mother; did you notice that she wasn’t mentioned ;) *wink wink*

Next chapter will pick up from here, some Dave, tutoring and then the party so a mighty long chapter...I hope!

Thanks for reading :)

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Robyn x 

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