Next Day

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We're all very worried. Kelly's mum hasn't come home. "WHERE'S MY MUM... IM SO SCARED" said Kelly.... "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG" shouted Kelly. "Jesus Christ you scared me... What is it" I said. "I think I know where she went... Do you remember that time when my mum went out for the whole night a returned at 9:30 in the morning" "yeah I remember that... You were freaking out" "well I accidentally over heard a convo that my mum was having on the phone... And she was talking about... Ice" "Ice??... What type of ice.. Like frozen water". "No... Ice the drug". "WHAT... THE..F--. "YEAH!!! I don't want my mum doing drugs because apparently ice makes you hurt others" "she can't do this to you" "I guess it's not as bad as joining a terror group or something" "BUT STILL... AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU DAD".... Right I should tell you what happened to her dad... Well he took many types of drugs and killed and abused many people including Kelly and her mum. "OMG DO YOU THINK DAD AND MUM ARE DOING DRUGS TOGETHER" "OMG" "ok can we stop talking about this... I'm freaking out.... I don't want my mum turning out like my dad". "Kelly if that does happen you can move in with me and my family". "Thank You"."well if your going to move in with me... You should know something about me." "Yeah what is it". "Well I can go back in time". "HAHAHA!! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard you say". "IM NOT KIDDING". "Hehehe! Lucy your jokes will always cheer me up". "Do you really need me to prove it to you". "Haha.. Yeh sure prove it to me" Lucy grabs Kelly by the arm and thinks about where she wants to go...."WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" "LUCY WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE". "It's ok" "your safe".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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