Part 1

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"Is everything packed princess?" My grandma said and I nodded my head yes as I brought my last luggage and carry on with me downstairs. The driver was loading up my bags and preparing to take me away from Grandmas Summer house to the airport.
  Grandma was the Miley Cyrus of her era. She used to be big and has now retired from the glamorous life and only goes to the occasional award show or charity Galla. She's lived a very glamorous and fulfilled life and still keeps on going. I envy her for that.
  "Well, now we part ways baby." She says and I frown and stare at her.
"Now now don't you shed a tear and ruin your makeup deary. I will call you every chance I get and send postcards as well! You won't be rid of me yet." She said and pulled me into a warm embrace.
"I love your grandma." I said and she rubbed my back gently.
"I love you Alexis."

   "Now entering Los Angeles California" the pilot said over the intercom and I sighed as we landed in the airport. I exited the private jet and smiled at the attendant as she helped me grab my bags.
"Your grandma had a car arranged to pick you up and take you straight to the Academy." She said and I smiled and nodded politely and began walking towards the airport. I looked around the buzzing place and sighed in relief when I saw a a person holding a sign that read 'Ren to Jenson Academy'. I couldn't see the mans face from the way he was holding the sign but I knew he was younger. Definitely not the average Car service driver.
"Hi I'm Alexis, I think your my driver?" I said obviously confused. The man set the sign down and looked me over and I stepped back shocked at the boy. He was young, impressively good looking with well styled hair, nice facial features, and beautiful brown eyes.
"You're Alexis?" He said and then a smirk fell on his plump lips but it made me feel queasy.
"You're my driver?" I said quizzically. He looked at me surprised and then realization settled on his face followed by a low chuckle.
"You have no idea do you?" He said and I looked at him confused.
"No idea about what?" I said and looked him over and he looked me down and up and smiled approvingly.
"You're grandma called Jenson asking for a car to pick you up. They sent me, it was only appropriate since.." He said trailing off and I looked at him expectantly.
"Since what?" I said and he but his lip as he seemed to be searching for the right words to say.
"Well we are partners of sorts." He said and I raised an eye brow and he grabbed two of my bags.
"Come on, I'll explain more in the car." He said and I questioned whether or not to get in the car with him. But the odds of me finding another driver was slim so I huffed and nodded and began following him out of the airport. I got a good look at him as we walked out to his car, and I couldn't help but to note how attractive my 'partner' was. What does partners mean anyways? Maybe they do a husband and wife role play here? Or the Academy is big on Partner work? I plan on getting the truth out of him.
  He stopped at a all black Mercedes     G-Wagon and opened the trunk for me to set my bags in. Then unlocked the door and held it open for me to climb in.
"Thank you" I whispered politely and he have me a wink for a reply. He climbed into the driver side and started up the engine.
"Jenson Academy here we come!" He said and I smiled very lightly at his enthusiasm.
"So what exactly is Jenson Academy?" I asked and he looked over at me and thought for a bit.
"I don't think I should be the one to tell you Alexis, you might jump ship then I'll be out of luck for a partner." He said smirking to himself and I realized then that this camp was everything I thought it was.
"Please just tell me," I said exasperated from my flight and now this nonsense.
"Well.. Since you insist." He said and I rolled my eyes and turned so I was facing him.
"Jenson Academy, as you know, teaches newly legal adults a strange variety of skills." He said and I nodded recalling the brochure.
"Well those skills happen to be of the physical category" he said and watched me as I slowly put the pieces together. Physical skills, the partners, all the secrecy.
"Oh god," I said and slowly thought I was going to be sick. "I need to go home" I said and The boy sighed and pulled over.
"Hey now, calm down. Believe it or not but when I first found out I wanted to turn around to, but my Mentor talked me into staying the first few days. And I couldn't be happier." He said and I looked at him and through fits of heavy breathing I managed to speak.
"You're mentor? Does that mean you're.."
"Yes I am you're mentor. But it doesn't mean what you think. I don't actually teach anything I'm jut what you practice with and visa Versa. I'm your guide through all of it." He said and my eyes widened as far as I have ever widened them.
"PRACTICE ON?" I shouted and he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Relax, I know it's a scary thought but it's only me the whole time. Plus the first few days are just understanding the courses and getting to know you're mentor. I mean you can choose to fuck other students you aren't just entitled to me, but I highly doubt you'll want anyone else." He said with a wink and I rolled my eyes and then cracked the window to get some air.
"Please don't joke about this yet!" I said and he smirked and grabbed my knee.
"I'm not joking Lexi" he said and I brushed his hand off my thigh. I took in a few deep breaths and sighed before turning back to him.
"I have a few questions.." I said and he nodded his head.
"That's to be expected. Go ahead" he said sweetly and I nodded before proceeding.
"Do I have to perform.. Stuff.. In front of a class." I asked and he smirked at me, most likely at me being coy.
"Yes, but never alone the whole class usually does activities all together. And if you're experienced at all you'd know that usually while fucking someone or going down on them the last thing you're focused on is your surroundings." He said and I swallowed and shuddered at the thought.
"Do I have to be naked in front of everyone!" I squealed and he chuckled and looked me over before speaking.
"Well yes, but judging your appearance you have nothing to worry about. You're gorgeous." He said and I blushed but quickly shook off the compliment and got back to my questions.
"What are the courses?" I asked and he smiled and grabbed a paper out of his center console.
"Well, you have Basic kissing, sex toys/objects, Lap Dancing and grinding, lesbianism, Sexual intercourse, fingering/ handjobs, sexting and nudes, and my personal favorite Oral" he said and I rubbed my forehead from my migraine.

  I could just go back to Forest Grove and stay in grandmas Summer Home all summer. The weather may not be as cheerful, and hot guys might not pick me up in Mercedes but at least k won't be spread eagle and naked in front of multiple people. As I got ready to ask him to take me back to the airport I realized going back meant id have to go back to where all the sadness took place this summer. I'd slip back into a depression, and I wouldn't have my grandmother to make me feel better this time. How bad could this be? I enjoy sex, and this stranger would soon be a friend. A very attractive and sexy friend. It'd take some getting used to, but grandma always said to do things that scare you or you'll regret it. How many people can say they graduated from a Sex Academy? Not many of assume.
I took a deep breath and turned to look at the boy next to me with a smile.
"Okay, let's go." I said and he smiled happily.
"Really?" He said in disbelief.
"Yes really lets go." I said and he chuckled and started the car back up.
"Wait, what's your name?" I said and he looked over at me shocked.
"I didn't tel you?" He said sweetly and I nodded my head no.
"It's Myles, Myles Parrish."

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