Chapter 2

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~Stop hating yourself for everything you aren't and start loving yourself for everything you really are.~


Regina's POV:
I didn't care where I would land, but if I was being honest I didn't know either. At that moment I wasn't thinking straight, my head was just filled with thoughts of Robin and his 'happy' family. So once the purple smoke started to clear and I'd made sure that I'd landed on safe ground, or more like my living room, I let out a sight of relief.

Not having the strength to drag myself to my room, I plopped myself on the black couch adorning my living room, not being able to contain the tears that had been threatening to fall.

He will leave me, I mean after all she is his wife. She's pure, her heart isn't almost as black as coal as mine. He doesn't have to go through the grapple of making sure that she won't hurt anyone. More importantly his son.

"His son..." I said to myself with a small scoff. "Just one more reason as to why he would leave me..." I said as another tear slipped from my eye.

Marian and Robin are tied in a way we could never be. Roland bonds them in a way I wanted us to be. But I'd been ignorant back then. Thought that by drinking that potion would hurt my mother but it ended up hurting me more. I thought.

I sometimes even wish my life was like a book written in pencil, so I could go back and erase some pages. Erase all my mistakes, all the bad decisions I've taken along with all the pain that came with them. So I could go back to the person I used to be, but I realized a long time ago that I can't, and that all I needed is for someone to tell me that I'm not as bad as I think but he had found his wife again.

At this thought a new surge of tears came, but I soon started wiping them away. I have to have at least some hope. Hope that Robin will choose me and come back. At this thought I chuckled a bit. Guess you get something good out of spending a lot of time with Mary Margaret. She literally vomits hope.

Getting up from the couch deciding that a cup of tea would help me, I headed towards the kitchen. After turning the stove on and setting the kettle on it I headed towards my room deciding to change myself into something more comfortable. Once I had changed into my navy blue pajamas and slipped into my black pair of flip flops, I headed to the kitchen once again.

Turning off the stove and pouring the hit liquid into a white porcelain cup, I settled in one of the stools next to the breakfast bar. Everything was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Everything was calm and still, everything but my mind as it was once again filled with thoughts and worries.

What if he realizes that I'm not good enough. What if he never loved me as much as he's said and now that he saw his wife he realizes it?

I know that I should have some hope, I'd even said it myself minutes ago, but hope and me never went together, nor did it work. It sure didn't when it cane to me and Daniel.

At this, I new tears fell from my eyes, staining my eyes and cheeks with make up which I hadn't even bothered to take off.

Robin's POV:
"Wha-no... Marian what are you talking about?" I said in disbelief.

"What I'm saying is that she was the one who tore our family apart. And do you know why? Because I tried to help Princess Snow, because unlike that woman I did see that Snow was innocent."

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