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"I is cleverer then u" I typed
"I is the CLEVEREREST" Amber typed. Wtf is this conversation? We had an argument in Spanish
"SOY FREAKING UNICORNIO " I typed still concerned for my mental health.
That was when it all began.

Ratchet guys started to scream in the distance, PB Baby remix started to play. Damn Daniel could be heard EVERYWHERE.
And to make things worst, out of no where


I sang the John Cena theme.
"I already used that." Amber said as the thug life tune started to play. I punched her IN THE FREAKIN FACE

The punch Amber in the face theme began to play.

She stabbed me in the face with her unicorn horn.

I knew what I had to do next.

I had to murder Amber the rainbow.

Amber was dead. The murder Amber theme played gently in the background of meme land.

That was when it happened.

AMBER CAME BACK TO LIFE. She stripped my skin of and bathed me in salt. FREAKIN SALT. "Meh," I thought "it could be worst" she gauged out my inner unicorn and turned the entire experience into a theme tune. Ouch.

I died

The world became a place of peace, wars were abolished, cities were eco friendly and house prices decreased by 60%.

I came back from the DEAD with one mission.


"Carrrrllll" said a voice as I bit into the beating heart of a Spanish man.
"NO" I yelled and shot an arrow in some french guys eyeball.

The lesbians took over.

What a beautiful world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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