the chat that turned physicall

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Jacobs pov:
Not so long after everyone was in there places adam arrived with 10 other vampires who looked more like new borns who would be harder to handle." i am here for my daughter". Adam said."well thats to damn bad, cause shes not here at the moment". Emmett said as he got up in adams face. "Thats enough you too". Carisle said. "Your not getting anywhere near chantelle nor are you getting near her children either. Rosealie and emmett here made a promise to lauren before she died that they would not let chantelle near you". Edward said.
" wait what do you mean lauren died?" adam said."you and your dumb ass got lauren pregnant and left her with a hybred baby to fend on her own so we took her into our household and helped her as we have experience with This". Emmett said.
"Yes as my adopted son here edward and his partner bella made there daughter renesmee when bella was still human and edward was a vampire. Bella died after giving birth to renesmee but edward ended up changing her into a vampire so renesmee is a half human half vampire baby just like chantelle". Carisle said.

" so we as the wise people took Lauren under are care and we gave her the only options available. Get the baby out, or have her give birth to the baby and her die or have her give birth and get changed into a vampire and she chose death because she didnt want to be a vampire". Emmett said. " lauren wanted bella and edward to care for chantelle when it was time for her to go but bella asked if it would be okay if emmett and myself raised chantelle because she knows how much i wanted children so lauren said yes as long as we promised her that we would make sure that chantelle was never around him". Rose said in tears.

"The moment chantelle was born she was placed in laurens arms and then passed to rose. The moment before lauren died the last thing she said was to rose. She said " remember what i said dont let him near her". I think that women was a fighter and a great person to have given me and my wife something that we couldnt give to ourselves. She gave us happiness which was our daughter and i think she deserves more respect than what you ever given to her so as long as im walking this earth you wont get a glimps of my daughter or my grand kids so i suggest you get the fuck out of here or this will be the last time you see anything". Emmett said as he got up in adams face for the 6th time.

"Well its terrible news that lauren is no longer here anymore but i think its time that chantelle has her REAL father and her kids have there REAL grandfather in there lives". Adam said. "Ok buddy you took this to a whole new level now. Im getting tired of sitting back and watching. Emmett and rose our great parents and you where never even there for my wife and emmett was there since birth but now that your not only talking about my wife but your talking about my children. Its up to me whos plays a role in my childrens lives and i think emmett had been wearing the grandfather shoe gor quite some time now and thats the way i like it to be!" pancrazio said as he got up in adams face. " thats it since you guys arent going to allow me around my child than i guess i will find them myself. Get them!" alex yelled as the new borns ran at us as he ran off. I new exactly where he was going... Chloes cabin.

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