The Shift

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock but didn't want to get up so I threw it across the room. Woops that is like the 2nd one this month. I was almost asleep when I remembered the date April 29 a.k.a. my birthday. I quickly jumped up and ran to my bathroom to take a quick shower, by quick I mean 30 minutes. When I got out I put on cute white shorts and a bright pink loose top with silver jack Rodgers. I curled my dark brown waist length hair and put on a little blush and mascara. I headed down stairs to the kitchen where I saw my big brother Carson. "Hay" I said to him walking in and grabbing an apple. "Hay" he grumbles continuing to text his mate Brooke. "Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and get nothing last night" I saw picking at him in a baby voice. "No I got something I'm just sad for your mate I have to give him the big bro talk and the father talk" he says confidentiality. "First of all ewww and really you know he won't hurt me" I say sternly. "I know just big brother instinct" he says fastly. "Okay. Well if that's what you gotta do to make yourself feel better" I say jokingly.
I go in the living room to watch my most favoritest movie ever pith perfect 2. I get to the part where they are told they can't have auditions and fall asleep. I wake up to realize the party is about to start. I hurriedly run upstairs and change into a form fitting red lace dress with a pair of black heels. My makeup is fine and my curls have fallen out some so they look like beach curls. Hearing people arrive i do a final look over and run down stairs. I see my best friend Katherine but everyone calls her kat.
"Hay dark side side" she says as I run up to her. "Hey light side" I say back as I hug her. "Are you excited to meet your mate. I'm supper jealous I have to wait like 4 more months" "yrs I'm very and let me guess tomorrow morning you want alllll of the details night say knowing she will. "Ye you know me so well" "I know right" We get lost in conversation and suddenly it's 11:58 and we all head towards the clearing we all shift in. The countdown starts
My bones start to crack and reform.
I start to grow hair and try to hold in the scream of pain.
3. The bones continue to reform and I scream or more like howl.
Almost their I let out another howl.
My bones are all reformed and my future is grown.

I look down and see I'm a white wolf which is not uncommon in our pack considering we are the white wolf pack. One is born every 3 generations and it runs in our family.

Suddenly I smell honey from one place and lemon from another which can only mean one thing.......

I Have Twin Mates. YAY!!!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن