But, gay? She didn't have a problem at all, she loves Adam unconditionally, but she's just upset he didn't tell her.
She couldn't tell his dad, not because he'd get mad, but because he'd be new to all of it, he couldn't handle the pressure right now.

She was breathing heavily, her heart beating loudly. She knew she had no right interfering, but she had to. So she swung open his desk drawers. There was only two. The top one had a small novel in it, how to kill a mockingbird. It had three pens, two gold watches, and a necklace his mother gave him on his thirteenth birthday.

She smiled once she saw the necklace. It had a sliver chain hanging from it.
She closed the drawer, and opened the next one. The one under.

It had one piece of paper. Though, it was a rectangle shape, the shape you see as a printed out picture. Which is exactly what it looked like. The picture must be flipped over, so only the white part was showing. She picked the paper up, something was written in black, with really nice handwriting.


She was a bit confused. She flipped over the paper. Her eyes lay on a picture of Charlie. Taken one year ago.

The background was dark blue. Charlie looked so charming, beautiful even.
He was smiling, like he was laughing. His eyes were sparkling blue. His hair was a darker shade of brown, but it still looked smooth and silky- like always.

He was wearing a light blue shirt and a white flannel. The picture only showed his head to his waist.

It seemed like Adam took this picture, a year ago. And he still has it. In his drawer. The drawer that he opens everyday.

His mom brushed down her clothes as she put the picture back in her pocket. She sighed as she headed to the room door and left. She went downstairs. Adam was still watching the horror movie.

His eyes not even blinking, not once.
His mom walked by, she couldn't tell Adam she knew, not now at least.

"Aaaahhhh!" The TV erupted again.
"Please don't kill me, help!"

"Bam!" The gun exploded, but the bullet missed the girl.
"He's gonna kill me, Help me please! "

'Slice' the knife went through her. Three times, blood everywhere. No more screams, just blood and a sharp weapon.

Adam's eyes were focusing on the knife, the blood, and the silent streets.
Not blinking, not once.
Adam wished he was the knife, and his problems were the girl. That way he could get rid of his pain, he could kill his pain away. But Adam knew that would never happen. Life is full of disappointments. He knows that very well.

Adam turned the tv off. He didn't want to think about that right now.

City hall,
12:04 am

Charlie, Guy and Connie were at city hall. Having a day to themselves. A couple of friends hanging out, having fun.

Guy: hotdogs (pointing at the hotdog kart passing by them)

he headed towards it, Connie followed him.

Connie: want some, Charlie?
Charlie: no, I'm good, thanks.

Connie nodded and ran to Guy who was stuffing his face with hotdogs.
Connie let out a slight laugh.
Charlie smiled at the sight. He liked it when they acted all silly.

Charlie sat on the bench. He sighed a bit.
Guy: it's really good, want some?
Connie: (laughing) sure.

Guy laid his thumb under her chin and lifted it up slightly, he gave her a bite, but she chocked when she started laughing, that made Guy laugh too.
He kissed her right cheek as he patted her back gently.

Guy payed the hotdog man, as he then rolled the cart away.
Guy looked at Charlie who was a few feet away, on his phone.

Guy: he's been on his phone all day.
Connie: so?
Guy: it's not normal for a human to be on their phone all day, besides it's a flip phone. What's there to see?

Connie shrugged.
Guy: do you think he knows?
Connie: knows what?
Guy: about Adam...
Connie: God, I hope not. Why do you think he knows?
Guy: I don't know, I have a weird feeling that someone knows, maybe it's Charlie.
Connie: you're over reacting, Guy. He doesn't know.
Guy: maybe I am, but, he can never know.
Connie: I know. Charlie can never know.

Guy laid his arm over her shoulder. She laid her head on his shoulder.

Charlie can never know... Charlie thought
Charlie: (to himself) know what? Who doesn't want me to know what?

Charlie was confused, but also worried. Who doesn't want him to know? And if so, what can't he know?

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