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Last day of school.

I've always dreamed of this day ever since freshmen year, back then it felt like a farfetched visual to actually be able to survive and graduate high-school. If only I knew at fourteen that the years would roll away in a blink of an eye. On this day  I would have to say goodbye to this building that held all my worst and best memories and I would have to say to goodbye to my friends, not that I had a lot. It might be the last time I see my teachers and the principal and the janitor who always had riddles and cleaning hacks under his sleeve. Today is my big day.

I wore the black graduation gown and cap and allowed my brown hair to fall on my shoulders. I think every student is waiting to throw his or her cap in the air, it's like they're telling everyone that they've made it, they graduated despite the stress and the depression and the anxiety and the doubts and the failures, they made it through thick and thin and now they're holding a diploma that may not get them as far as they hope it would but at least they've made it. A simple throw of triumph.

One last look in the bathroom mirror, you got this don't breakdown now, you've held everything inside for years you can still hold it in for an hour and a half.

"Angy come on the ceremony will begin," a classmate informed me.

"I'll be right there."

"Okay but don't be late, we wouldn't won't the school's nerd to miss it,"  she joked.

Ah! The"school's nerd". I forgot about the invisible titles students are given the second they set foot inside the building and of course the famous stereotypes that come with these labels; the "jocks", for example, are hot jerks with zero IQ levels.

In teen fic stories and movies the jock usually falls for a super smart shy girl --in this case the "nerd"-- who teaches him to not judge a book by it's cover and actually take the time to read what's written inside (like a nerd, get it?). And in return the jock would teach her how to stand up for herself and have some self esteem because of course a cocky guy needs to show the girl her worth and protect this vulnerable creature from Highschool drama and of course she's going to become popular because she's now rolling with the hot shots of the school. Hooray hooray the guy saves the day.

A fight would break out between her and her true friends who dearly love her because she basically turned to a stuck up asshole who ignores her friends to be with her boyfriend but don't worry they'll eventually make up because her boyfriend who still has a jerky attitude because people can't suddenly change within a few months, either cheats on her with his ex because he simply "couldn't resist" and "doesn't know how this suddenly happened" or he starts to ignore her because he knows what a jerk he is and doesn't want to hurt her. There's a lot of plot twists that could fit in these cliché relationships.

Eventually the guy would realize that he made a mistake and even after he treats her like crap for the next few months and tries to sabotage every relationship she has with guys who are not toxic and who would actually love her AND after he chose his ex over her she would still end up with him and they graduate together and of course all she would now dream about is marriage and starting a family with him because that's what's life is all about: settling with the first person you think you had fallen in love with and risk your entire life for that person.

Here's some flash news for the screenwriters who forgot what it's like to be a teenager and base off their entire movie on childhood fantasies: working on yourself to become a better human being takes a lot of time but no, the jock can completely transform his character in less than a month (because even though he had bullied other students his entire academic life, deep down he is a really sweet guy who is waiting for someone to accept him the way he his and love his vulnerable side. That and throw in an abusive/toxic/dead parent. You can always use a tough past as an excuse for toxic behavior).

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