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I was totally frustrated the whole day with what happened today. Rilly is an sweet and innocent girl while Milly is a sly and sneaky girl they both are the total opposite, how on earth can they be best friends I think Milly just uses Rilly because Rilly's dad owns a luxurious resort in Hawaii.

I came home dumped my school bag in the chair and ran to my room and fell upon the bed. Gods...... I need a shower to relax me. But before the shower I wanted to make my mind a little happy so I switched on my T.V to watch something.

Oh!!! My favorite show 'big bang theory' just started. Yay. I stood on the bed and smiled like an idiot while watching it!!!!! This episode was super funny, it just made my mind so happy and cheerful.... that's what I like about BBT !!!!

but when I think very closely and go deep in thoughts...... I always think bout my dad, who is gonna have his wedding very soon. No one ever told me the real reason for the divorce but I surly know that dad broke up the love between my parents.

He wanted a sassy, trendy and hot lady in his life while mum was the opposite.... not telling she was not beautiful, mom's just 3S : Sweet,Smart,Single.

She was not modern, she was Simple. And had a really good sense of humor, to be honest dad really didn't deserve the love mom gave him. I can't forgive him for ruining my sister's and my life but I don't hate dad either. Dad has given me the love no man can give his daughter.

"Honey can you go to the market to buy some stuff for today's dinner?" Nona interrupted my thoughts.

"Sure" I said and went to the kitchen,
Nona handed me the list and told "take Sora along, she gets bored in the house"

Ugh..... I don't want to but I have to.

"Come on Sora, hurry up" I said to my little sister who was wearing her shoes "let's leave!"

I have told you a lot about school, my friends ( which I don't have ) and my parents. Let my introduce my sister Sora here.

Firstly she's a trouble maker, not actually but to me yes. I hate being responsible because i'm not , and in this case , having a small sister you have to be responsible. Sora loves animals, she simply adores them just like Nona. I don't exactly like spending my time with animals but to me a dog is pretty much fine. Unlike me Sora's got friends. Not near the house but at school. That's why Sora gets so bored in home. She's got no playmates of her age.

Sora is the total opposite of me. She's got a cheerful soul while I have a lazy one, she likes playing while I like sleeping, she's girly I'm kinda tomboyish. She likes singing and dancing while I like NOTHING. Yes to be specific I don't have a particular hobby but I love painting, but I'm not good at it not even the slightest.

Once we reached the shop I bought eggs, bread, some veggies and ketchup. With the remaining money I bought Sora a chocolate. But as we came out the shop, it's was raining!!!

Not exactly raining but drizzling a bit.

"Hurry up Sora, we got to run. Maby we can reach home before it starts to rain" I told Sora and we started to run.

But I prediction was totally wrong. We were not even half way home it started to rain really heavy.

"Ahhh...... we'll catch cold now" Sora screamed.
We started running really fast when suddenly Sora screamed again "stop".

"What is it now, we've got to go" I said her being a bit irritated.

"Look here" she said pointing to a small box saying 'adopt' I looked inside it to see a very small puppy ( Labrador I guess ) getting wet in the heavy rain.

"Awe...." I said rubbing the back of it's ear.

"Can we take it with us, please" I thought so Sora is gonna say something like this......remember she loves animals.

"Well..... I don't know Sora we haven't even got good space for it to live" I said her.

"Ill share my room with it" she said making the most adorable Teddy bear face.

"Ugh...... fine take it along" I said her.
"Yay" she carried the box in her hand and we reached home dripping wet.


"Oh, take a bath or you'll catch cold" said Nona coming out the kitchen "oh what is this adorable thing you bought along"

grandma and Sora both animal lovers.

"Nona look, it's a tiny miny puppy, can we keep it pretty please" said Sora.

"Why not why not, let my boil some milk for it to drink"
Said Nona and went into the kitchen.

Ugh..... not another responsibility in life!!! But I will not lie the puppy is super cute!!!!

This is one huge chapter ( 870 words )
I made this huge cause others were small
Pls tell me what you think about this book
Love y'all

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