Better Off Gone....

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Walking alone... Again. I wish I can have someone to walk with me to school and back. I think of a boy. The same one I am so in love with, it hurts. I turn my music up to distract me from the pain that grows in my mind and heart with every passing day. The music player the last thing
I want to listen to, "I Don't Love You," by My Chemical Romance. tears well up in my eyes. I try to ignore it, but the dreaded line plays and the soothing voice sings, "I don't love you like I did yesterday." I couldn't take it. I drop my binder and start crying. My hot tears run down my face as I hug my knees. I want to be gone. Someone pats my shoulder. A familiar voice softly speaks, "Are you ok?"I up and see him, the boy that has broke me and I loved so dearly. I say nothing for a moment and quietly speak "I-I am o-ok," I stuttered managing to get the words out. "Want me to walk with you," he asked.
I took his hand and got up and we walked to school together.

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