"Oh hi, you must be the babysitter." he says walking towards me. 

"Yeah, I'm Laurie." 

"I'm Ethan." he smiles, "this is Alissa." he points to the oldest girl.

She waves.

The youngest girl runs up to me and says, "IM GRACIE." 

I smile at her. She is so cute!

"And this is Aaron" Ethan says pointing to the 9 year old boy.

"Hi." Aaron said.

"You guys keep playing, and i'll go speak to Laurie inside. I'll be back out soon monkeys!" Ethan grinned.

Alissa, Aaron and Gracie started running and playing. Ethan gestured me to go inside.

I walked into the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar.

"So..the money for food and stuff is there." Ethan pointed, "And have you seen your room?"


"Ok cool, do you want me to stay the whole week or will you be fine?" he asked me.

"I could do with some company." 

He laughed.

I checked the time, 17:46.

"Shall I make some dinner?" I ask.

"If you want, I mean I would but I'm not the best chef."

I giggle, "Ok, i'll make something nice."

"Thanks Laurie."

"Now go play." I joke. 

He laughs then goes outside. 

I make a pasta with a creamy sauce. I wasn't sure if the kids would want that though so I made a small portion of macaroni just in case. I called everyone in for dinner. We all sat round the table and ate our meal. 

After dinner Alissa and Gracie asked me to go outside and play with them. 

"My big sister can do flips." Gracie told me.

"That's cool,  can you show me Alissa." I said.

Alissa tied her hair up then she ran on the grass and done a round off back tuck. 

"That was amazing!" I said.

"Thanks, I do gymnastics. Gracie started my gym last week." 

"What can you do Gracie?" I asked.

"Not much." 

Gracie then started rolling on the floor attempting all sorts of flips.

"Well done!" Alissa and I clapped laughing.

"Do you guys have gymnastics this week?"

"Yes, tomorrow and Thursday" Alissa replied.

"Ok, let's go inside its getting dark." I said.

I walked into the house with the two girls trailing behind me. I went into the living room to find the boys watching a movie.

"Can we join?" I asked.

"Of course." Aaron said.

We all sat down, snuggled up on the couch watching 'Despicable Me'. 

When the movie ended, I got Gracie changed into her PJ's and put her to bed. Aaron said he was tired and went to sleep too. Alissa went in her bedroom and went on her laptop. So it was just me and Ethan. 

"Why don't we get to know each other a bit better since we are going to be living together for a week?" he suggested.


"What age are you?" he asked.

"16, what age are you?"

"16 too."

"Got any siblings?" I asked.

"I've got a twin brother called Grayson and an older sister called Cameron, do you?"

"I have one younger brother called Evan."

We kept asking questions for a while however then they started to get deeper.

"Are you single?" he asked me.

"Yeah, are you?"

"Yep." he smirked.

We ended up sitting on the couch watching random TV channels. 

"I'm getting tired, i'm gonna go to bed." I told him.

"Yeah same."

We walked upstairs together and checked if all the kids were asleep and they were. 

"Where are you sleeping Ethan?"

"I guess I'll sleep in my auntie and uncles bed."

I laughed, "Ok goodnight."

"See you tomorrow Laurie."

Babysitting With Ethan Dolan...Where stories live. Discover now