C. Blackburn

Depuis le début

"Keilani is gone?" Zach phrased it as a question, still trying to absorb the information. Then he cleared his throat and repeated shakily, but with shaky resolve, "Keilani is gone."

I returned and meticulously placed the frames on the solid wooden table before looking up and automatically telling Zach, "Relax."

Zach took no notice and instead lost himself in his thoughts and mourning. Keilani had been with us up until three months ago when she finally declared she couldn't take this life any longer. She ran out the door past a bewildered Kei, who had just returned with the groceries, and I hadn't seen her since.

Kei tried to go after her, but her Talent was that of cloaking. It was no use, and he'd refused to eat for the first few days after she'd gone. When a month had passed and his sister had still not returned, Kei broke out of his depression and tried to convince himself that she must have found a safer place. We all knew that he still never gave up on the possibility of her coming back one day.

And now he was devastated all over again. Keilani would never return.

But then again, thinking about it and dwelling on it wouldn't do me any good.

I slung my small backpack over my shoulder and stood up.

My chair grated against the stone as it was shoved back and made an unpleasant screech that didn't seem to reach Zach at all. He continued staring off into space just as obliviously as little Zoe.

Devin, however, glanced up and raised an eyebrow in a silent question. Did I want him to come with me?

I shook my head and nodded toward Harold, who was sniffling in futile attempts at concealing the fact that he was crying for Kei and Keilani both. "I'll be back soon," I told them lowly.

"You better," Devin replied darkly. With that, he grabbed a fistful of tissues from a rarely used box on the table and strode to Harold's side.

The market would have been a wonderful place. Children ran from stand to stand with fistfuls of meager amounts of money and their friends, yelling and screeching in laughter. Their parents stood nearby, keeping a watchful eye on them while making their purchases.

The sunburned sky was a sincere shade of turquoise-blue and the wind was a pleasant breeze, just like the days before. Everything went on as if nothing had happened, as if one of our closest friends- Kei's sister- hadn't just died for no other reason than she didn't fit the government's mold of normal.

Not much truly registered as I went from stall to stall, buying from the usual vendors. I greeted each one politely and waved away some of their concerns about me not sleeping enough, or being distracted.

They wouldn't be so friendly or worried if they knew I was Talented. No, not at all....

Just as I stuffed a small bag of dried fruits into my backpack and readjusted the straps, yells began rippling through the crowds. It wasn't the children this time, but the officers.

"Break it up!" A harsh voice ordered. turned to see a small circle forming as mothers hurried to pull their children away while others circled in to watch. Yells and muffled sounds of fighting came from the center.

"Get off of me!" I recognized the cry right away. In an instant I was shoving my way through the crowds and breaking into the middle of the circle.

Just as I expected, Darren was brawling full out with some other boy I didn't know while more officers began arriving to tear the two brawlers apart.

"Break it up, boys!" This time, the order was accompanied by a whistling sound and a loud crack.

Darren Blanchard suddenly found himself on cobblestone ground, groaning in pain. His opponent, who looked much worse off than himself, was being helped up by an officer. The crowd began to disperse and continue on with their normal business now that the entertainment had ended.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 29, 2011 ⏰

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