Can you save me ? (Demi Lovato fanfic)

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Chloe POV :

It was now summer so I'm staying the whole summer maybe longer with Demi and Marissa I'm sorta excited but terrified knowing neither of them would let me not eat or cut I don't know how I will do this. We are on our way to the airport Demi is driving and Marissa is switching between playing on her phone (probably Candy crush or twitter) and staring at me and occasionally holding me hand in reassurance. Once we arrived we got our tickets and our luggage and got on our plane we were the only people in first class. Demi and Marissa both looked up at me and Demi said "Chlo we are going to help you this summer but please don't think of it as a punishment we WILL be having fun" I smiled at them Marissa added "And Demi got you your own room at her house its so cool!" I laughed and said "Dems I'm only here for the summer!"

Marissa POV:

Once Demi told me what Chloe is going through I felt devastated, Chloe was the happiest kid we knew she always put others before herself so both Demi and I planned for Chloe to come with us to stay at Demi and I's house for the summer.Once we landed and got to the house Demi set about making food, Demi had asked me to hide everything and anything that could be used to self harm with so I had hid ALL the razors sharp objects scissors everything I wasn't taking any chances. Once I had finished it was time for food so I went into the kitchen where Demi and Chloe were both sitting I quietly told Demi where everything was and started eating.

Chloe POV:

I sat at the table not touching my food for at least an hour Demi and Marissa had finished long time ago and were sitting watching me obviously waiting until I ate "Chloe eat something please" both Demi and Marissa said I looked at them and both of them looked on the verge of tears so I took a few bites of the chicken and stated "I'm finished now can I go?" Demi laughed and said "no your going to finish your chicken" I looked at her and replied "no I'm not" I stood up and went into the lounge to watch TV.

Demi POV :

I looked at Marrisa and laughed a little "she's a stubborn kid, this won't be very easy" Marissa smiled trying not to giggle "well that's something you both have in common Dems" I rolled my eyes and we both went into the lounge where Chloe was sat on the large sofa she looked like a doll she was too skinny for her age. Marissa and I sat down when Chloe said "Demi why are you even trying its hopeless I'm never going to get better" hearing her say that was like a needle being pierced into my heart. "Chloe don't you ever say that we are going to help you through this"

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