1. Outrage

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Half of You.

A/N: sorry if there's any inaccurate Mandarin. From what I researched;

Bā miàn means scarface, so bare that in mind :) (if its wrong, please tell me, otherwise this whole story will be awkward)

"do not get attached to anything around you."


"I bet you Reum will hit him." Luhan whispered to Kai.

"You're on." Kai whispered back, smiling confidently.

Together they watched as Ah Reum marched over to Kris and smacked him across the head with immense force.

Luhan exhaled slightly and laughed. He had won.

"Told you." Luhan whispered and Kai handed him his rightly earned money.

"Huh, business is good" Luhan thought to himself, smiling as be pocketed the money.


Both Chen and Ah Reum had left for Busan and Luhan and the boys resumed practicing as per usual. However it was more intense this time.

Luhan felt immensely pressured and fought with himself to keep going. He used the trip to keep himself focused and reminded himself constantly that he would soon be rewarded for his efforts. He'd soon be going home.

Luhan had decided that this year, he would go home. But not to his home in the Haidian district, but his mothers hometown, his grandmothers village where he grew up.

It was weird. He felt this overwhelming urge to go there. Like a calling, something urged him to consider it. He felt confident in himself that he had to go. And after discussing it with his mother, she agreed almost immediately, promising him she'd join him soon.

It took a while but the managers were soon content with the level of work the boys had put into their choreography and let them go.

"Remember this is a short trip. You'll only be going for 3 weeks. So do not get attached to anything around you." The managers warned. The boys plus Luhan all laughed at this. What type of warning was that? Don't get attached to anything.

However nonetheless, both Luhan and the boys bowed respectively and left the SM building.

Everyone was excited as they packed and helped each other pack.

"Yah yah yah! Luhan these are mine!" Chanyeol pulled a pair of boxers from Luhans messy suitcase and held them up. "Why are they in your bag?" Chanyeol giggled.

Luhan looked from the underwear, to Chanyeols poker face and burst out laughing.

"They're mine, you idiot!" Luhan doubled over, laughing at the big baboon.

"No they're not." Whispered Chanyeol. He was now unsure of himself and looked closer at the underwear. "I'm certain these are mine. I mean, I've worn them before." Chanyeol muttered to himself, scratching his chin.

Luhan stopped laughing and stood up straight. "You mean you've worn these?" He asked, shocked.

Chanyeol bobbed his head in response. "I have. And that's how I know they're mine." He nodded.

Luhan was horrified. Those boxers were his! He was certain of it! Infact he had worn them recently too..

Xiumin who was also packing across the room burst out laughing. "Are you- telling me you two have been sh-sharing underwear?" He gasped through peels of laughter.

Both Luhan and Chanyeol flushed red.

"N-no. We haven't." Luhan snatched the underwear off Chanyeol and threw it in the bin by his bed. "Go pack." He pushed the towering Chanyeol out of the room and faced the giggling Xiumin.

"Stop laughing. It's not funny." He hurriedly walked back to his suitcase and began folding his clothes again.


Exo had been leaving for the airport in pairs every two hours. This way they wouldn't be tackled by fans and would go partly unnoticed. Luhan was travelling with Tao who was heading for China too.

Kris, who was heading the same way, had to go alone and had planned to visit his grandparents too, before Reum got back and they set of to Canada together.

At the airport, the boys all had different gate numbers and split up. Luhan sat by himself in the waiting area and played with his phone.

He was feeling both nauseated and excited at the same time. He was worried he'd be treated differently going back. That all the school friends he'd see would expect something from him now that he was amongst the "rich and famous". That was his fear. Being treated differently or being given the superior role amongst his friends.

Luhans plane landed at 9am and he retrieved his bag from the conveyor belt, wheeling it to the entrance of the airport.

At the entrance, he could hear his friend before he could see them. It looked like all 4 of them had come out to pick him up from the airport.

"Where is he?" Asked the ever-loud Shuang. I guess the size of her mouth hadn't changed, luhan thought.

"He should he here by now.." Tian checked his watch, frowning slightly.

"Should we go in?" Lihua whispered. Luhan noticed she was still ever the quiet one and still had that cute natural blush spread across her cheeks.

"No we'll wait." Huiliang answered, glancing at his watch too.

They quietened down as they waited for Luhan and stood watching the exit of the airport. Luhan saw his friends backs were turned as they eagerly watched the other exit.

He used this opportunity to creep up to his friends and scare them.

Once he was right behind them he smiled to himself and spoke quite close to Lihua's ear.

"Sooo. Who are we waiting for guys?" He said, rocking on the balls of his feet and everyone jumped back.

His friends turned to him, frightened expressions plastered on their faces.

"Yah!" Huiliang who was stood closest to him shouted. His friend punched his arm playfully and Luhan smirked back.

"LUHAN!" Shuang ran into Luhan arms, embracing him in a tight hug.

Luhan patted her head in respose, his face turning slightly red because of how hard she was hugging him.

"Get off him, Shu. You're going to kill him." The voice of his best friend teased. Luhan looked up from Shuangs head and noticed his smirking friend wink at him.

"How have you been, deer?" His friend asked, laughing at his play on words.

Luhan and Tian had always had this type of relationship. Although Tian and Shuang were together and in a happy relationship, Luhan and Tian loved to tease one another with a bromantic type relationship. They also loved teasing Shuang by pretending their love for one another was eternal and ran deeper than hers with Tian. It was fun seeing her so worked up over it at times.

"Never better. How about you?" Luhan asked, grinning stupidly at his friend. "How are you.. Jagiya?" He added. Stepping away from Huiliang, he draped his hand lovingly over Tians shoulder.

His friend giggled like girl and slapped Luhans arm.

"Oh stop it... Oppa." He said in a high pitched voice and batted his eyelashes at Luhan

"Will you two ever stop flirting?!" Shuang says, looking angry. "Scratch that, will you both ever even grow up?" She huffed, folding her arms.

Luhan and Tian looked at one another.

"Noooope." They said simultaneously, laughing like wild dogs.


Luhan settled in really quickly. His friends drove to his grandmothers home and he dropped his luggage there so they could all go out and catch up.

They got to their usual spot at the back of their childhood restaurant and took their seats.

"So, deer, how's it been?" Tian asked, lovingly putting his hand over Luhans on the table. His girlfriend automatically twitched and Luhan wanted to laugh. He took his own hand and placed it above his friends.

"All is well, my sweet, all is well." He nodded, smiling back at his friend.

"Yah! Stop that." Shu slapped their hands off the table and cross her arms, pouting.

Luhan and Tian burst out laughing. She looked like a angry kitten.

"So anyway, really how have you been?" Huiliang asked, placing his crossed arms on the table.

"Everything's been good." Luhan smiled in response.

"How's the hallyu lifestyle?" Shu asked, sitting back and cozing into Tian as he placed his arm around her.

Luhan laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. He knew this topic would pop up sooner or later.

"It's alright too, I guess." He smiled again, trying to hint it was not something he wanted to talk about.

"How much money do you even make?" Tian suddenly asked.

Luhan should have been taken aback by the direct question but he wasn't. His friend had always had a direct approach to things, so part of him was expecting this to come up

He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck again and looked at his hands. "Enough." He whispered.

Shuang must have noticed the awkward air because she suddenly took it upon herself to change the topic.

"Anyway, Luhan. We have school tomorrow and today, we all cut class today to see you." Her eyes shined excitedly. Shu had never been the one to break rules and when she did, Luhan distinctively remembered, it gave her a huge buzz.

"What she's saying is.." Huiliang spoke over Shu. "Since you're only here for a short while, we want to spend as much time as we want with you."

Luhan nodded his head. Where was this going, he wondered.

"... Come to school with us." His friend finished. Huiliang sat back and they all looked at Luhan, waiting for his answer.

"What do you mean, come to school with you?" Luhan asked, confused.

"We mean we got direct permission from the headmaster who agreed to let you attend school with us during your time here." Huiliang explained

"You want me to come to high school?" Luhan asked, surprised wasn't the word for how he felt about this. He was absolutely positively taken aback.

"Yes!" Shuang answered, smiling brightly at him.

Luhan needed something to switch his attention to and at that moment noticed the quiet Lihua sat with them.

"Wah! I almost forgot you were even sat here!" He exclaimed. "Ever quiet you are Lihua." He smiled as she flushed red.

"Stop trying to change the subject!" Tian shouted, waggling a finger in Luhans direction.

Luhan raised his hands and laughed. "Caught me." He said, smiling back at Tian.

"Will you come?" Asked the quiet voice of Lihua, grabbing Luhans attention. "Will you come then, Luhan?"

Luhan and the others were slightly ruffled by her. She rarely ever spoke infront of Luhan. And she was doing so without ease, staring him dead in the eye.This was new.

"Well- well- I suppo-" Luhan stuttered helplessly, taken by her sudden boldness.

"Will you?" She breathed out again, looking him in the eye.

Luhan gulped. "Ye-ahem- yeah sure. Sure I'll come." He cleared his throat and answered.


That night Luhans friends gave him the school uniform and told him they'd be walking to school with him at half 6.

Luhan got home that night quite late and his grandmother sat waiting for him. They greeted one another properly and she instructed Luhan to go to bed early, telling him not to be late tomorrow for school. How she even knew Luhan was planning on going to school, he had no idea. His grandmother was educated in that way. She knew everything about everyone.

That morning Luhan got up early and completed his early morning routine. He was ready in no time and his friend were stood by his door 6:30 sharp.

Together they walked in comfortable silence to school.

They got to the gates and Luhan instinctively tensed up. What if there were fans in the school? He wondered to himself. He'd be ambushed.

"It's okay." Lihua who was stood next to him offered him a small smile. "Everyone knows not to act up." She whispered.

Lihua had changed, Luhan thought to himself.

He remembered so clearly how the two of them parted on negative terms when he left for Korea so he half expected her to be bitter with him but she wasn't.

The day of his departure, Luhan stood at the airport, his luggage and suitcase in his hand.

Lihua had chosen that moment to confess to Luhan, telling him she had had her eyes on him since they were kids, the moment she gad moved into their village. Luhan had no response to this and stared at her blank faced.

His flight was called and like a coward, Luhan walked away from her. Leaving her with no answer and undeniably, a broken heart.

He never stopped regretting that day and on the plane he cursed himself for leaving her that way.

The truth was, at one point, Luhan DID like her. He did find her attractive and he even considered asking her out. Not only was he pressuring himself to ask her out, his friends too all agreed they'd make a splendid couple and fed him encouragement and praise.

But that all fell apart when reality hit him. When he decided he wanted to pursue his career in music. He realised that ultimately, he'd have to leave Lihua behind and he didn't want to get caught up. So he pressed his feelings down so they faded over time.

Then Lihua hit him with the confession, Luhan had nothing else to do. That timing Lihua chose was incredibly frustrating.

She couldn't have been more thoughtless. How was he supposed to react to it?

Luhan regret faded over time as he soon realised he wasn't in the wrong. Well he was, partly. Just not about staying behind and loving her back. Had he accepted her confession and chose to stay with her, things wouldn't have worked out for him. He wouldn't have made the choice to go to korea. He wouldn't have been scouted. He wouldn't have met exo and he wouldn't have been who he is today or successful.

He was wrong however for walking away from the problem. And seeing Lihua now made him stir up the same regretful feelings.

But it was weird, present day Lihua was glowing. Luhan had anticipated seeing her crumbled and upset, but she was the same, quiet, but still the same. She could now even talk to him and look him directly in the eyes. It sure looked like the 3 years he was absent made the difference.

"Good." Luhan smiled at her and together, he and his friends walked to class.

Luhan walked in and the volume in the room immediately dropped. It was awkwardly awkward as people switched to whispering in hushed voices, occasionally pointing at him.

Luhan sat down next to Tian at the back of the class and just stared straight ahead.

Why was I doing this again? He asked himself.

Whispers ran across the room like wildfire and the atmosphere remained thick and tense.

Shu had had enough. She stood up and addressed the classroom. "Yah! Can you all just act normal please?"

"Yeah. He's only human. Treat him how you would everyone else." Huiliang added.

The volume gradually picked back up and everyone was back to normal. Luhan exhaled and calmed into his seat.

"Thank you." He mouthed to his friends.

The room stayed animated for a few moments before everyone hushed again.

The door had squeaked open and a girl had entered the room.

Not just any girl.

This girl was an direct representation of the colour black.

Her hair was pitch black, her clothes, the uniform, was a dark colour. She walked with her dark hair brushed infront of her face. She kept her face and expression hidden behind her waterfall of thick black hair.

Luhan watched intrigued as this odd girl walked in the direction of what he assumed was her seat.

She walked slowly with her head down, and he wondered if she could even see where she was going.

It turns out she couldn't. She banged her leg on a girls desk as she walked and the noise of the impact echoed around the room.

"Wo hen baoqian" she apologised quickly in quiet musical-sounding voice, and bowed. Her hair bobbed slightly and a flash of her milky white skin caught Luhans eye. But that was all he saw.

"Yah! Bā miàn! Watch where you're going!" The girl who the desk belonged to stood up and shouted at the bowing girl.

"Wo hen baoqian" the girl repeated and bowed again.

"Is that all you know how to say?" The girl shrieked, her hand raised to hit the girl. "Wo hen baoqian!" She teased in the girls voice and her hand made contact with the bowing girls head.

Luhan twitched violently and got ready to jump up and scold the girl for hitting her. How dare she lay her hands on her! he thought angrily. She has done nothing wrong! She had only bumped into a desk! Luhan was livid and was making movements to stand up and march over to where the scene was taking place across the room.

Tian however was quick to grab Luhans sleeve and pull him back down into his chair. Luhan threw his friend an angry expression and tried to pry his hands off his sleeve. Tian shook his head in response and stared gravely at Luhan, holding him tightly.

"Don't get involved." His eyes said. "You'll make it worse for her." He whispered to him.

Everyone in the room watched to see the girls reaction and Luhan turned back to watch. While his expression was a mixture of shock and anger, his classmates looked bored, as though a scene like this was the norm. A few yawned and watched the scene with no concern.

The girl stop bowing mid-bow and straightened her back. Everyone held their breaths as they waited for her to say something.

"Wo hen baoqian" she said again and resumed bowing.

The girl scoffed at her. "Look at this, really! Would you like round 2? Shall I do it again?" She asked, moving so she was right infront of the girls face. "Shall I hit you again, bā miàn?" She laughed.

"Wo hen baoqian" the girl whispered, still bowing helplessly.

The girl screamed out a agitated growl. "Is that all you can say?!" She asked and raised her hand to strike her again.

Luhan was outraged. He pushed Tians hand off his sleeve and stood up.

At that same second, the door slammed open and the teacher made his appearance.

He took in the scene and his expression turned angry. Luhan sat down quickly, he didn't want to draw attention to himself and now the teacher was here, everything would be okay. The girl would be safe.

"What are you doing?" The teacher mounted his seat at the front desk and looked at the two girls. "Both of you in your seats!" He shouted.

Luhan was once again left outraged. He watched as the girl smirked and sat back in her seat while the bowing girl turned to the teacher and apologised, this time bowing to him.

What the hell? Luhan asked himself. Why didn't anyone stop her? He wondered. And why the hell did the teacher who had just walked in not bat an eyelid at the blatantly violent scene he walked into.

What on earth have I missed? Luhan asked himself.

Why weren't humans acting human?

And who was that girl?



Heyyyyyyyy thur beautiful reader.

I hope you enjoyed this ^_^

Its only the first chapter so I have a long while to go before it gets somewhere good.

Read my introduction if anything confused you.

I.e why Luhans at high school when his mature manly ass is 23 lmao go read

And also I hope I've shown how the stories will link in some way.

Im going to be quiet now



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