Chapter 4

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"Dianne" someone whispered "Dianne" the whisper just kept on coming to me. I looked to the direction where the voice is coming from. I realized it was coming outside of my window. I stood up and looked outside the window, no one was there. I looked away, thinking this is pretty stupid! But I couldn't stand it so, I looked once again! Yanni was outside! She was wearing a white dress, her face doesn't look so clean because there's dirt and blood all over her. She was looking right straight at me!

I didn't only look away! I shut the windows, closed the curtains and hid under the blanket of my bed! I'm so scared! Could it be that Yanni is going after me?! No! This can't be!

I got up again, and Yanni was inside my room. She was walking towards me, and I kept on screaming, hoping that my sister, or my brothers or my parents could hear me!

"No one can save you now!" she said to me. I think she can read my mind

"Why are you so horrible?!" she said to me. She raised a knife

"You didn't even realize how hard it was to hold a shit for 1 and a half year! Now, it's your turn!" then she stabbed me!

I woke up!

Good thing it was only a dream!

"Dianne! You're late for school!" I heard mom yelling from downstairs

The thing is, I feel like I don't want to go to school! NO! After that dream last night? No way! Not a chance!

I came downstairs for breakfast after 15 minutes, in my pajamas

"Why are you not dressed?" My mom asked

"Not going to school today" I said

"Why not?" Mom asked

"Back pain" I said

"You had a nightmare last night didn't you?" Mom asked

"How did you know?" I asked

"I know you already. Whenever you get really really bad nightmares, you make and excuse not to go to school" she said

"It's about Yanni. I dreamt that she appeared to me last night and killed me" I said "Who cares! It's just a dream! They say that dreams are the exact opposite of reality!" I added

The telephone rang and mom got it.

"Hello?" Mom said. As I drank my orange juice, mom suddenly said the person on the telephone wants to talk to me

"Hello?" I said

"Dianne? It's Charry!" Charry said, in panic (Charry was one of the people who was with me. She hated Yanni as much as I did)

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Denni was found dead!" Charry said. I could tell, she was tearing up

"What?! Where?! How?!" I was worried

"Same way how Yanni did! Denni was found dead in the park, the same exact spot where Yanni was spotted except that, no one could tell if this was suicide or whatever!" Charry was yelling

"That's crazy! Denni can't commit suicide not unless she has..." I paused for a moment, thought about my dream last night

"Dianne? Ann? Dianne!" Charry was yelling

"Charry, I had a dream about Yanni last night! Don't you think that, Yanni killed her or, what?" I was shaking already

"Now you're the crazy one! I gotta go!" Charry said

"Mom" I said to mom "Denni's dead" I added

"How?" Mom asked

"I think it has something to do with Yanni" I said.

But why do I blame Yanni for everything anyway?! Just because I hated her? Just because I had a dream about her? Charry's right! I'm crazy!

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