Chapter 2

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We were finally at our flat. The party was fun, but they didn't have much food. So know that were home, I'm gonna go hit up the kithen.

I found some pizza in the fridge. I didn't really feel like heating it up. So you know what, I didn't.

After I ate I went on twitter and I made sure to follow the ICarly gang and some of the Victorious members.

@mebejennette: had an awesome time with @onedirection @victorious and all my awesome peeps *pic*

The pic was of her and that bright red head...umm...Ariana, I believe? I didn't really get to talk to her, but she seems like she would be fun. She's really pretty as well.

Ariana's POV

I had a couple new follows...





And the rest of the members of One Direction. I only had a chance to talk to Harry and Louis.

Louis is such a character.

It was about 11:12 so I went up to my room I had a quick shower. Then I did my nightly routine.

I then hopped into bed.

But I didn't go to sleep quiet yet, I stayed up stocking most of my followers.

It was probably about 3:30 and I wasn't really tired but I decided that I should go to sleep.

Liz's POV

It was about 5:00 in the morning and I kept hearing loud bangs down stairs. You know like in Paranormal Activity.

I was very creeped out so I got on my phone and went on twitter.

@LizGillies:Creeped out while in @ArianaGrande's house!!! 😬😬 #paranormalbangs

Well I'll see if I can get some sleep.

----------------Next Day---------------

Ariana's POV

So Liz and I woke up at about 8:30. We have to go to set at 9:15 and then at 5:00 I'm going to the recording studio.

I got up and put my hair up in a high ponytale, and I put a loose tanktop and some sweatpants on.

...and then we were on our way to the Victorious set.

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