0.1 • Heaven

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Note: To any marlie readers, you can stay if you'd like, but this is evidently not a marlie story, stick around anyway though...

You'd think, after being trained to feel no emotion, and be a cold-blooded killer, that you couldn't fall in love. You'd be wrong.

All it takes is one person, one human being and they'll turn your life inside out, upside down and lopsided before you even realise what's happening. Only one, only once. When it first occurs to you, you won't believe it, not even in the slightest. You'll block the thought out of your mind as quickly as it flooded in, saying to yourself "There's no way! There's no way I'm in love!" But once you fall, you'll be so deep in that even one of the worlds best assassins, yourself, can't climb out.

So here I was, all alone, hidden in the depths of London as Rebecca, or Becca. Thinking of the last time I'd seen him, beside the fake grave of Nick Fury, and told him to call that girl I'd been attempting to set him up with, then kissed his cheek. When I thought of it I could vaguely remember the tingling sensation the skin of his cheek had left on my lips, but had blocked it out with seemingly impenetrable walls. Yet, he'd still managed to worm through them, into my brain, and eventually my heart. Though several months ago, I still remember his every movement, the timing between each breath. Being a trained assassin is regularly an asset, but occasionally, as I'd discovered, could also be a liability.

Since the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D, I'd taken it upon myself to become completely untraceable. I wasn't recruited to any organisations and kept myself completely off the grid, so as not to be compromised. Captain America, however, had kept himself in the public eye as much as possible. I guess we both had ways of keeping ourselves out of the hands of the government for as long as possible, but he kept himself as publicly known as possible, whereas I, just became hard to find. I flicked on the TV in my apartment, settling down on the TV to watch it with a bag of salt and vinegar flavoured chips. Practically immediately, there was an interruption on my show, a news flash. "Breaking news," came the monotone voice, I was about to switch it off when I saw the perfectly formed face of Steve, and leaned forward instead, intrigued. "Steve Rogers, more famously known as Captain America, has recently joined forces with the government once again." My mouth had formed an 'o' shape with disbelief, I didn't think he would join with them again, I thought he was as through with that as I was. Guess not. The news flash continued, with a live video of Steve leaving a hotel room, wearing the same t-shirt he was wearing when I saw him last. His beyond perfect eyes were hidden behind a par of expensive looking shades, and a baseball cap was hiding his blonde hair. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh, I hadn't seen his face in a long while, and it seemed like a live video was the best I would get. The video ended, leaving me with a frown etched on my face, and then the news flash continued in the background for another few minutes or so, but I wasn't watching or listening to it. Not until there was another live video anyway.

"Captain America!" the interviewer begun, making me roll my eyes. He doesn't like him when you call him by his code name. "Why are you working with the government?" I rolled my eyes again. Don't we all want to know, this rookie.

"I can't say, that's classified information I'm afraid. But I do know one thing: what we're doing; we can't do it without another member of the team. Natasha, I know you're out there. Please, just call me," he begged, looking straight into the camera with a smile so light to anyone else he was holding a straight face. "I'd give you my number, but I don't think you'll find it difficult to get it yourself," he joked with a dry chuckle at the end. He knew very well I could get his number in a matter of minutes, an hour at most. "Nat, please," he added, his eyes twinkling with hope and I sighed, knowing I wouldn't be able to give in to him. I flicked off the TV, not wanting to hear or see anymore about the man I'd fallen so deeply in love with.

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