Special: Red Lantern (pt 2)

Start from the beginning

"No way!" Koshka exclaimed and without a warning ran down the hill, leaving a startled and very confused Taka.

Taka watched as the feline dashed down the hill and gaze around frantically as if she was looking for someone. It took him a while before he got up and ran to where Koshka stood. "What happened? Is something wrong?" he asked when he got to her side. He figured that she might have finally spotted one of her friends but he still asked anyway.

"Wait," Koshka briefly replied and then squealed before running towards a figure that came out from behind a tree. "OZO!" the girl yelled with excitement as she pounced on her long-time friend and rolled with him around the grass.

While the fox watched with confusion on his face, the two who were rolling on the grass finally stopped and got on their feet; both laughing and panting. Koshka's face had an obvious stupid smile on it and a flicker of extreme joy behind her eyes. Taka somehow felt jealous and offended that she hasn't been like that this whole time they've been together.

The feline's laughter soon died down and the figure spoke. "I missed you Koshka." he said and then lightly jabbed at the girl's arm.

"Me too. You still look the same Ozo, I'm so happy I bumped into you here!"

"Do I? Last time I looked into the mirror I'm sure I was a handsome beastkin with a wicked hairdo." the other laughed and then glanced at Taka who stood at the side idly.

Koshka who forgot about her date for a second felt embarrassed and guilty that she left him like that, the feline smiled apologetically at Taka and took a step towards him. "Sorry," she whispered.

"It's okay, though I was a little startled when you suddenly dashed off," he said. "But no worries." Taka smiled gently before turning to the figure next to her. "I'm glad to meet one of your friends."

Ozo toothily grinned at him and gave him a two finger salute. "Why, I am so glad too. Did you know Koshka used to stuff her mouth with kumquats and then make funny faces? She would try to make us laugh but oh boy, the real funny part is when she would laugh at herself then snot would come out her nose." the ape cackled.

"Hey! That did not happen!" Koshka opposed.

Taka awkwardly breathed out a laugh and then looked over at Koshka who was beet red. "Oh I'm sure she still looked cute despite that."

The ape furtively raised a brow then silently formed an "Oh" with his mouth. He realised that the fox likes his little feline friend. "Sadly she did not." he laughed. "There was this one other time thou—"

"Hey Ozo! Quit slackin' and get over here!" one of the men who were setting up the fireworks cut the trio's chat short. "We're about to light these up."

"Oh, did we interrupt you at work?" Koshka worriedly ask. "Sorry."

"Sorry? Work? What work?" Ozo pretended to be clueless.

Taka folded his arms together then pointed over to the men by the fireworks by tipping his head to their direction. "Seems to me that man was calling for you." He said, to which Koshka nodded in agreement.

"Hey mister!" Ozo waved at the man who called him earlier. "I quit!"

The man by the fireworks only scratched his head and then went back to his work. Ozo toothily grinned once more. "So, where are you two heading next?" he asked. "Can I tag along?"

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