The Best Birthday Ever!

Start from the beginning

"You are a odd one..." he heard the blonde mumble before Albus laughed bringing him back to the present as he stared at his Black haired blonde tipped Son who stood.

"To Dad, the man who made our lives possible and defeated the evil named Voldemort!" The table cheered as one.

"To Dad/Harry/Uncle Harry!" Harry really couldn't have been happier in that moment, looking across the table at his future Husband who had willingly raised his glass and called him Harry.

"Teddy?" The mirror which was by Teddy on the table called.

"Oh hi Dad!" The blue haired Auror smiled.

"Ted, we found a way to travel back... but we won't be there for two weeks, what's the date again?" Teddy looked to him across the family and frowned.

"July 31st." He knew that the future version of him knew what was to come and had a bad feeling when said future version cursed out loud.

"Shit. Teddy, after the wedding ceremony, go home. Okay? Don't worry, we'll join you soon..." Teddy nodded looking at everyone then back at the mirror.

"I promise Dad, tell Pop I love him and we miss you." There was a coughing sound which told Harry he was crying.

"This may be the last mirror call Ted, pass it around. Drake, 'Mi and Ron are in the kitchen." Lily's eyes widened looking sad.

"Of course, hi Papa! I love you." There was a shuffling then bombardment of noise.

"I love you to Theo." The familiar aristocracy was gone leaving the drained sound of Draco's real voice making the Draco across from Harry sniff in shock but that was all for null as Ted passed James the mirror.

"Hi Pop and Dad, oh and hi Uncle Ron! Yeah I see you... I'm gonna miss you loads... don't play to much Quidditch without me m'kay?" James waved at the mirror as watery laughs rang around the room making Mrs. Weasley shuffle for a tissue.

"We won't kiddo, we're gonna miss you more." Harry said sounding more cheerful before the mirror met Albus and Scorpius.

"Dad! Hurry please?" Scorpius begged the mirror.

"Yeah! It's not the same summer with out you!" Albus added.

"Yet you have us, do you not? But we completely understand and are doing our best you two, stay close to you Siblings and protect VC all you can okay?" Draco's voice made the future Harry laugh which lead the most likely future Ron to join.

After affirmative from the twins it was passed to Ophelia who went on snootily how she'd miss them more than any of her idiot Brothers, after Ophelia it was passed to Lily who cried immediately.

"D-Dad. Don't leave me! Please Papa!" She may be eleven but she loved her Fathers and hadn't even gotten to Hogwarts yet Harry vowed to give her a big hug while she was still shorter then him.

"We'll be there soon Flower. We love you stay strong and remember, after all this time." The girl sniffed.

"Always." She returned.

Vixit had the mirror for a whole five minutes blabbering about how Harry and Draco wouldn't kiss and make up, making the elder versions chuckle and explain how they hadn't had they're first kiss and it should be special which the girl gasped and nodded dramatically before saying goodbye morosely.

When  the Weasleys has said they're piece and it was only Rose left the mirror was passed to her.

"Hi Mum, Dad. We miss you loads but I promise to do all my homework when I get home!" A round of laughter later Hugo snickered at his Sister before saying he missed his Mums cooking under his breath Hermione giving him a raised eyebrow.

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