"Hugo Weasley, eleven." He was demure next to his Siblings and Harry wanted to give him a sympathetic pat on the back with how comfortably spent he looked.

Finally what Harry had deducted was his family breathed their titles much less emotion and more like a practiced speech, they barely gave him time to register anything was happening:

"Theodore Potter, twenty-one."

"James Potter the second, fifteen."

"Albus Potter, thirteen."

"Scorpius Potter, thirteen."

"Ophelia Potter, twelve."

"Lily Potter the second, eleven."

"Vix Potter, eight." The youngest was a cute little brunette who was missing her two front teeth and Harry was instantly in love with all of them.

"As for proof...." Teddy was cut off by a ding from his pocket.

"Theodore Remus Malfoy-Potter!" The voice made Harry jump....

It wasn't himself of the future, but a very different aristocratic voice that had yelled the joint name.
A familiar aristocratic voice.

"Oh hi Father!" Yelped Ophelia to the tiny mirror.

"Don't you "oh hi Father!" me! Me and Harry are worried sick! Someone please explain why a crunched Time-Turner is on Lily's bedroom floor?" Draco Malfoys voice was unwelcome in the yard as Harry saw by Rons red faced expression matching that of Roses and Hermione who was snorting.

"James! Uncle Draco, it was James! He burst in with Al and Scor yelling behind him about stolen artifacts from Uncle Harry's office! He tried to throw it to Mack who was drastically losing at Snap didn't catch it and now we're in a unknown Year we speculate is late 1990's!" Hugo immediately offered with a smirk and Harry rather thought he underestimated the kid to soon with his bored attitude, clearly he still was ruthless.

"Late 1990's? Oh fuck! Fuck! Harry! Harry! They're in the late 90's! Voldemort! What if.-" A newvoice joined in much more soothing than Malfoys though he sounded as petrified as the blonde.

"Shhh... we will get them back love. As for now let's discuss exactly what year in Voldemort's reign they are in, they could be in '94 or '95 which wouldn't be bad? Or after '98. Let's hope." It must've been Harry as Hermione gasped at his voice her eyes glinting part shocked and part offended.

"Your married to Malfoy!" The twins exclaimed laughing hard the only ones besides the elder Weasley Sons and Arthur Weasley to find it amusing.

"What year is it?" Albus asked matter of factly.

"1997." Hermione whispered in tears as she listened to the twins hilarity.

"Dad! Uh hi. It's 1997." Scorpius cut across the mirror.

"Fuck! '97? That's not good! Kids, stay where you are no matter what, stay safe, listen to Ted know we love you and we'll see you soon." The mirror obviously disconnected as Lily whined.

"Okay everyone you heard Uncle Harry! Scatter but stay at Gran and Gramps house!" Rose yelled to the crowd and they split.

Hugo and Lily started muttering together as did Rose, Scorpius and Albus.

Teddy hung by the adults talking with Bill instantly as James and Mack guffawed at the conversation from off to the right and just like that the yard was back in dinner mode full swing Mrs Weasley entering to finish the meal.

Ophelia rolled her eyes as Vix rode on the older Potters back and then moved towards Hermione who eagerly struck up a discussion.

Harry generally nosy roamed closer to his eldest with his two friend bringing up the rear.

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