Diary Entry 1

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Juniors Diary
23rd January
Hey BamBam, are you ok? I saw you today in the lunch hall and you looked sad, I hate seeing you like that. I know you will never read this but I love you, I'll love you forever. We only met a few months ago but I feel like I've known you forever... But... You and Mark are very close and have been when he first joined our school. I know... I sound selfish as if you're mine. I'm planning on telling you about my feelings tomorrow and I hope you can accept me for who I am.
Bye BamBam
Juniors POV
I finished writing BamBam's name and slouched on the bay window seat. I never thought I would like boys... Then again, I've never really been attracted to a girl. I got up and tucked my diary underneath my pillow. I walked over to my desk and grabbed my phone. I checked my messages. OMG!! BAMBAM MESSAGED ME!!! Ok be cool just read the message!
"Hi Jr. Can we talk tomorrow? I have something important to tell you..."
How do I reply? Wait... What if he has the same feelings as I do for him?!! Erm.. I'll message back saying we can talk. I began typing when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.
"Come in" I said during on my desk chair.
"Junior? What do you want from the store?" My sister was so nice to me.
"I'll have a bottle of Coke please." I said not looking up from my phone whilst messaging BamBam.
"Ok. I'll be back soon bye!" She walked out and I heard her run downstairs where my dad would be on the sofa watching TV as usual. I feel hungry. I walk downstairs to see my dad fast asleep on the sofa. He had work from 4am till 6pm and it's now 7pm. Before I walk into the kitchen I cover my dad up with the blanket and turn the TV off. I grabbed a packet of crisps and made my way to my room where I would spend the rest of my night eating, drinking and watching anime! Just before I make my way to my room my sister comes through the door. She heads me the Coke and I go to my room.
(Morning after)
BamBams POV
I need to tell someone my feelings. I'm lying in my bed wondering if Junior will actually accept me.
I crawl out of bed and brush my hair out of my face. I didn't want breakfast so I just got dressed and packed my school bag. Ok ok.
Hey Junior! Meet me at the school gates after school!!
I messaged Junior and played the scenarios in my head of how he'll react.
Period 1: Maths
He sat by me again!!
Period 2: History
Not in my class
Period 3: Science
He looked at me
Period 4: Science
We did a practical together
Period 5: Free
I ran towards Junior as I saw him at the gates. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to a alley.
"Junior! We need to talk!" I said trying to catch my breath.
"Bam just calm down, breathe." Junior said resting a hand on my shoulder. I took a few minutes to let myself and Junior catch our breath (mostly me because he was on the track team so he was used to running).
"Ok. So... I'm gonna say it the way it is. I'm gay Junior." I said closing my eyes waiting for Juniors fist to collide with my face. In stead I felt him pull me into a warm embrace. I wrapped my arms around his waist and realised I needed to tell him something else.
"Junior?" I said before escaping his embrace.
"Yes BB" Junior said looking me in the eyes before smiling.
"I'm... I have... I like... I'm in love with someone!" I blurt out realising I didn't say who.
"With wh-who?" Junior asked stuttering when he said who.
"Well. You know him.. And you've been friends with him for a while." I said.
"BB? Do you like JB!?" Junior looked at me questioningly.
"Actually I'm in love with Mark... In our maths class..."
A/N hi I made this for my friend GOT7INFINITE4LIFE  because she ships JimBam more than I do Phan so pleaseeeee follow her and read all of her works! Bye love you all!!

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