the heartache

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I am so bored! I thought.

I sat up and reached for my laptop. putting it on my lap (that's why its called a laptop) I opened it up and pressed the on button.

As soon as it came to life I typed in my password and went to Facebook. I clicked onto my cousins name to start a cat with her and added our other friend to join us.

oh, by the way before I forget and so you don't get too confused, my name is Haley, im 14 years old, I have brown eyes and currently have bright red hair. I am 5'1 and a half. (short, I know).

My cousins name is Kambrie, she is about to turn 14, she also has brown eyes  but has light red hair. and she is about 5'5

Our friends name is Jordan. He also has brown eyes but has light brown hair, or a dirty blond... I don't know, I cant tell. I also don't know how tall he is. 

We know him because I have been going to school with him since 3rd grade. I introduced him to my cousin a couple weeks ago and they are really hitting it off.

But there is a problem... He has a girlfriend but she lives quite a bit away and they have been fighting.... a lot.

Kambrie likes Jordan, and Jordan like her. but because of Jordan's girlfriend, who is just there, they cant be together. 

And I am just there, trying to help sort everything out, and keep everything sane.

Sad? I know right. oh well, its what im best at.

anyways, back to reality before it gets out of control .


We started talking about normal things, like summer and how school starts in two weeks. and also about our plan to go to the movie on Thursday. We are planning to see 'Paranoia'. It was that one or wolverine, but we chose paranoia because Liam hemsworth  is in it.

Then we started telling each other secrets, like who we used to like and embarrassing moments.

After a while I really had to go to the bathroom, so leaving without telling them I walked downstairs to go to the bathroom. because unlike a lot of people, I don't have one in  my room. But after doing my business  I went into the kitchen and grabbed a hostess cupcake, what can I say, I love them and glad they came back.

Running back upstairs, I went back to my bed and looked at the time to see how long I was gone while getting my cupcake out of the wrapper. I saw I was gone for only ten minuets. I read threw there convo.

They were fighting about them. Wow I left for five minutes and missed all this. wow.

And then Kambrie sent another message, and that's when all hell broke loose

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Heyy, this is my second story and this is actually kinda a true story. so this is all me.

But don't worry, everything with each other and feelings and other things that I cant explain yet are fine now.

Anyways, let me know what you think.





~Haley Prp

the heartacheWhere stories live. Discover now