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Percy pov.
As I ran from camp, I decided to see mom and Paul. I was hoping to stay with them and away from camp and the gods. As I arrived at the house, I knocked and there was no answer. The lights were off, and I knew something was wrong. Mom and Paul were always home at this time, and the spare key wasn't under the mat.
I kicked down the door and walked around calling "mom!" I stepped into the kitchen and I smelled blood. I turned on the lights and almost fainted.
Mom and Paul were laying on the floor with daggers in their hearts.
There was a note written in their blood laying next to them. It read:
I hope you enjoy my little gift to you!
Now that you have no reason to be here,
Leave the camp and Annabeth to be happy,
Because we can be much more carefree without your destructive presence here. Oh, and by the way, Annabeth says she never liked you, she just used you for fame.
Worst regards,

I ran as far as I could into the woods until I was so tired I fainted. The last thing I saw was a woman standing over me with a sad look on her face. "Perseus" she whispered. And then there was darkness.

Again, I need Ideas for his fellow sector commanders of chaos, so please, if you have any ideas, put them in the comments with this info!
1.) Real/original name
2.) Code name
3.) Ranking (2nd,3rd,4th in command)
5.) Godly parent
6.) Love interest? (Can be pre-existing or your creation-please fill out another info thing for them if your creation)

The characters can be new or already in the books! I will be choosing 4 people to accompany Omega/Percy! Thx!

And again, plz give feedback, because this is my first fanfic so I want to make it better! Thanks for reading!

Catler out!

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