Quiz Thingy... Cuz' I was bored.

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  Your real name: Samantha
Height: 5' 4 "or 5' 5" (Can't remember...)
Natural hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Dark Brown
Skin color: Tan
Glasses/contacts?: Glasses! =w=
Piercings: Nupe
Tattoos: Nu-uh
Braces: I might get some... I haven't decided yet...
Mannerisms: Uhh...
Other distinctive markings: I have, like, a lot of acne, and two moles on my face. =w=

Colour: CAN'T DECIDES. Probably Blue, Purple and Black
Band: CAN'T DECIDES, AGAIN. Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Melanie Martinez (Not a band, but STILL.), Imagine Dragons, Maroon 5, and much much more.
Video game: UNDERTALE! And Life is Strange!
Movie: Hmm... Anything and Everything DBZ and Hunger Games. Also, "The Others", Ilove that movie! =w=
Book: Hunger Games! And fanfiction! =w=
Food: Anything pasta! (NYEH HEH HEH!)
Game on a cell phone: Geometry Dash, cuz' music. And stuffz.
CD: Uhh...
Flower: FLOWEY
Scent: Uhh... IDK.
Animal: Do magical robots and skeletons count? No? Then none.
Comic book: Hmm... I'm not a comic book nerd, soo...
Cereal: Cocoa Puffs? Or, anything chocolate?
Website: Youtube and Deviantart! =w=
Cartoon: Does anime count? Let's just say it does... Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Dragon Ball Stuffz, and a little bit of MLP... I don't watch it as much anymore, though...

Play an instrument?: Yes! Ukulele, Drums, a little bit of Guitar, and Piano! =w=
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: Not really...
Like to sing?: YES
Have a job?: Nopez.
Have a cell phone?: Yes, an iPhone 5.
Like to play sports?: A little bit!
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope, and I'm not interested at the moment. =w=
Have a crush on someone?: Nope! Still not interested!
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?: Used to! Germany and the Philippines! (BTW, I'm Filipino. =w= )
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: Let's see... *starts counting* ... Nope! Only 4!
Have any special talents/skills?: Drawing, Singing, Playing Instruments, and adapting quickly.
Exercise daily?: ... Nopes!
Like school?: Not really.

Sing the alphabet backwards?: *starts singing* *MESSES UP BADLY* nopes
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: Nopes!
Speak any other languages?: I speak Filipino, and I am taking Japanese classes.
Go a day without food?: I attempted a few years ago, and... failed. Miserably.
Remember your dreams: Sometimes, yeah.
Read music, not just tabs?: Yes, I do!
Roll your tongue?: Uh, I'm not trying that now.
Eat a whole pizza?: I have done that before.

Won something in the lottery?: Didn't even enter the lottery before.
Snuck out of the house?: Nopes!
Lied to get out of trouble?: Can't remember...
Had a computer crash?: A TON (A skele-ton, or Metta-ton. XD You're so punny.) of them.
Gotten lost in your city?: Nope!
Seen a shooting star?: I don't think so.
Been to any other countries?: Definitely! *Takes a deep breath* Philippines, America, Japan, Guam, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, etc. etc. etc!
Had a serious surgery?: The only time I had surgery was for my upper lip, cuz' by front teeth are crooked.
Stolen something important to someone else?: Nopes!
Solved a rubiks cube?: Only two sides... Internally cries inside
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: Yes, well, if fishing counts as in public.
Cried over a girl?: Nopes! :3
Cried over a boy?: Definitely not! :3
Kissed a random stranger?: Nu-uh!
Hugged a random stranger?: Nope!
Been in a fist fight?: Nope!
Been arrested?: Uh... whadda you think? NOPE!
Done drugs?: NOPE!
Had alcohol?: NOPE! (I'm not even old enough... XD )
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: I've had water come out of my nose... Does that count?
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: Nope!
Sneaked into the opposite sex's bathroom?: Nope!
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: Nope!
Swore at your parents?: Nope!
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: So much nopes! =w=
Been to a casino?: Don't want' to, and never been.
Ran over an animal and killed it?: I can't drive...
Broken a bone?: Nope!
Gotten stitches?: And the first yes in a long time! On my upper lip.
Had a water balloon fight in winter?: Nopes!
Made homemade muffins?: I don't think soo...
Bitten someone?: My brothers when I was much younger.
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: Paris and Anaheim (That's in California! =w= )
Burped in someone's face?: Nope! I don't usually burp, either.

Brushed your teeth: Just a few minutes ago.
Cried: Just a few minutes ago! =w= (About a very sad Undertale Comic dub, because I am very sensitive.)
Went to the bathroom: A few minutes ago as well.
Saw a movie in a theatre: Aaaa few months ago to see Mockingjay Part 2.
Read a book: Does fanfiction count?
Had a snow day: OH WOW! ... I live in Hawaii... so. 4 years ago in Germany.
Had a party: Just yesterday, for my mom's birthday.
Went to a doctor: ... I'm not so sure...
Tripped in front of someone: Still not sure.
Went to the grocery store: Few weeks ago.
Got sick: Can't remember...
Got cursed: Like, as in bad words? IDK
Called someone: Don't remember...

Fruit/vegetables: Fruit
Black/white: Black
Lights on/lights off: On
TV/movie: Movie
Body spray/lotion: Body Spray
Cash/check: Check
Pillows/blankets: Ooo! Tough! Probably blankets.
Headache/stomach ache: Headache
Paint/charcoal: Paint
Chinese food/Mexican food: CHINESE FOOD so yum yums
Summer/winter: Summer, cuz' I was born on the first day of Summer! June 21.
Snow/rain: Rain
Fog/misty: Fog
Rock/rap: Rock
Meat/vegetarian: MEAT FOREVS
Chocolate/vanilla: I can't decide!!! (Whether you should live or die! >_< )
Sprinkles/icing: Icing!
Cake/pie: Still can't decide!
Strawberries/blueberries: Strawberries
Ocean/swimming pool: Ocean!
Cookies/muffins: Cookies!
Wallet/pocket: Hmm... Probably Pocket.
Window/door: Window! Acts as a door as well!
Charles Chaplin/Chespirito: Charles Chaplin
Pink/purple: Purple
Cat/dog: Hot cats and hot dogs!
Long sleeve/short sleeve: Short sleeve
Pants/shorts: Shorts
Winter break/spring break: Winter Break, cuz' it's longer than Spring Break for me
Spring/autumn: Spring
Clouds/clear sky: Clear sky
Moon/mars: Mars
Questions/Answers: Questions
War/Peace: PEACE

Do you believe in love?: What is love?! (Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!)
What's the most important kind of love for you?: Uhm... IDK
Have you ever been in love?: Nopes!
Been close to love?: My family, I guess.
If you have, with who?: ...
Ever confessed your feelings to the one you loved?: ...
Really badly so that it actually hurts and you cry at night?: ...
Are you in a relationship?: ...
If so, for how long?: ...
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: Probz...
What is your idea of the best date?: IDK...
What was your first kiss like?: NEVER EVEN GOT IT.
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: ...
Do you think love is worth nothing?: I don't really care for it right now... so.
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?: Nopes!
Have you ever been dumped?: Nopes!
Have you ever dumped someone?: UGH! NOPES!

Am: me.
Want: stuffz.
Need: stuffz.
Love: FANDOMS and... stuffz.
Hate: stuffz.
Feel: stuffz.
Did: stuffz.
Miss: Gravity Falls! Pwease come back
Am annoyed by: stuffz.
Would rather: do stuffz.
Am tired of: stuffz.
Will always: do stuffz.

What is your favourite genre of music?: Rock, Pop Rock, Dubstep, Alternative, anything really.
What time is it now?: 11:42 P.M. =w=
How much money do you have right now?: Around 3 dollars... I spent my money on stuff like video games. =w=
Are you hungry right now?: Nopes! Just had pizza!
What are you doing right now?: Watching Cry play Undertale... and doing this stuffz.
Do you like parades?: Ehh...
Do you like the moon?: Sure, why not?
What are you going to do when you're done with this?: Watch more Cry, and Game Grumps.
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: Become a Saiyan!

Funny?: When I want to be... =w=
Cool?: Ehh...
Pretty?: Uhm...
Sarcastic?: At many times, yes.
Lazy?: :3 <-- Does this face explain it?
Hyper?: Only when watching stuff like Gravity Falls or stuffz.
Friendly?: >.> Maybe. Yeah, I think so.
Evil?: Mwuhahahah! No.
Unforgettable?: Maybe...
Smart?: Yes, of course. All A's.
Strong?: Ehh...
Talented?: Does my drawings explain it? ^3^
Dorky?: Yes, Absolutely, Positively! (Is that how it goes? I can't remember.)

High: Uhh. Nothin'.
Lonely: Nothin' still...
Pen: My Wacom Intous.
Flower: FLOWEY
Window: A landscape drawing.
Psycho: Mark Jefferson... (Life is Strange is a good game!)
Brain freeze: Cold.
Strange: TEM
Sassy: Uhh...
Suffering: Hm... Chloe Price and Rachel Amber.
Art: Everything is art!

Sky dive?: Maybe.
Run away?: NOPES!
Curse at a teacher?: NOPES!
Not take a shower for a week?: Yes, I have done that before! =w=
Ask someone out?: Nopes!
Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside?: I have seen my dad fix a cellphone!
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: Nopes!
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: I have done that before!
Go scuba diving?: I just did!
Write a book?: FANFICTION
Assemble a computer?: I have helped my dad fix a computer! (He's not a mechanic, he's in the army.)
Become a rock star?: I kind of already am... I mean... I'm in a rock band, soo. =w=
Have a long-distance relationship?: I have done that before with a friend, but they stopped going on Deviantart for some reason...
Marry someone you don't know?: NOPES! DEFINITELY NOPES!

What kind of computer do you have?: An hp, and Surface Pro 3.
What grade/level of studies are you in? (if applicable): NOPES!
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: I try to aim it at my mouth...?
How many posters do you have in your room?: *starts counting... again* 9.
Who else should take this quiz?: Anybody who wants to. =w=  

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