i. Antoinette

Começar do início

"Wow. Your dad sucks." I whistled. "That's a low blow."

She shrugged in agreement. "Well, I'm used to it. To his empty words and broken promises. I just thought and hoped that maybe this time will be different you know. Like maybe he'd show up this time. But obviously I'm wrong." she let out a sarcastic, bitter laugh.

I knew she didnt want me to pity her. I saw it in her eyes. She just wanted someone to listen to her so instead of comforting her, I asked. " Out of curiousity, which one do you prefer? Empty words or broken promises?"

"Definitely broken promises." she answered in a heartbeat. "Promises are meant to be broken anyways, right? But with words, you have to be fragile with them because words are powerful. They can either break you or heal you. Once you say something, you have to mean it otherwise, what's the point?"

I stared at her in awe. Man, I wanted to take a dive inside her sea of thoughts. Soak up every thought, every opinion.

Randomly, I cleared my throat and stood up, making the bench my stage. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you." I began to sing loudly, causing everyone in the room to look weirdly or curiously at me. The girl infront of the moon looked up at me, a faint blush creeping on her cheeks. "Happy birthday, happy birthdaaaaaay. Happy birthday dear...." I paused, leaning into her ear. "What's your name?" I whispered so I could finish the song properly.

"Uhh. Hope?" she whispered back.

I winked at her. "Deaaaaar... Hope." I sang, finishing the song and everyone around me clapped. "I dont need you guys to clap for me. C'mon. Greet this beautiful girl beside me a happy birthday" I ordered.

A chorus of happy birthdays echoed the room. I watched Hope blush even harder and whisper a barely audible "thank you" to the crowd.

Grinning, I sat back next to her. "Well?"

She let out a breathy laugh. "I can't believe you just did that. That was not necessary."

"You're welcome."

"Oh. Thank you dear... What's your name?" she asked teasingly.

"Jericho. But call me Echo."

"Dear Echo." she supplied, breaking out in a breathtaking, beautiful smile. "But seriously, thank you. You've made my day a little better."

Even with all the smiles she's giving me, her eyes were still sad and all I wanted was to make her eyes smile too. To make her eyes sparkle like the stars scattered above us.

"Oh no. We're not done yet." I said, standing up and offering her my hand. "C'mon, let me show you something."

// Hope //

We entered another set of glass doors that led us through a replica of what looks like a spaceship interior. Astronaut suits hanging inside an open closet, button machines lined up on a long table and a big window enclosing us like a bubble.

Echo led me to an office chair infront of the long table and then walked over to press a red button beside the closet. When he pressed it, lights lit up our ship and a view of the galaxy illuminated outside the big window enclosing us.

"Wow." I breathed, gushing at the marvelous view painted infront of me. It really seemed and felt like I was in a ship venturing the galaxy.

To The Moon And BackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora