“Be nice” Louis gritted through his teeth. I ignored him. “Oh and get in the back. I told Brianna she could ride shot gun.” He jumped out of the car before I had the chance to protest. I climbed over the center counsel making sure to get my shoes all over his newly cleaned seats. I was sandwiched between Niall and Zayn. Talk about awkward.

Louis pulled two of her Gucci suitcases behind him. She had a matching duffle bag and her large purse. We are literally going for three nights. She doesn’t need all this much stuff. Louis had to move around most the luggage to fit hers. 

Brianna plugged in her iPod and played some girly pop songs. Niall knew I was on edge. All of Louis’ friends despised her too. They just tolerated her because of Louis. I didn’t care. I made it obvious I hated her. 

Niall started poking at my leg. I glared at him and he raised his eyebrows. Zayn was fast asleep and I wanted nothing more than to do the same. I pulled my pillow from the back and placed it behind my head. Niall nudged his head for my to lay on him.

“I’m fine” I whispered.

“You look really uncomfortable. You’ll never fall sleep sitting like that.” He took my pillow and placed it on his lap. “Put your feet on Zayn. He’ll never know.” I did as he said. I was much more comfortable this way.

“Don’t get any ideas” Louis said from the driver’s seat.

Brianna laughed rather loudly. “Lauren isn’t Niall’s type. You have nothing to worry about babe.” Niall chuckled and Louis shot him a look in the rearview mirror. I pinched his leg so he pinched my ass.

“Hands off my sister Horan” Louis said sternly. Niall held his hands up then placed one on his thigh and the other my back, lightly grazing his fingers up and down my spine until I fell asleep.

“We’re here” Louis announced loudly, causing me to shoot up in my seat. Niall slid out of the car and I followed.

“You boarding this year or skiing?” Niall asked me.

“Is that a joke?” I replied. I stopped skiing when I was twelve when I learned how to snowboard. Niall was the one to teach me. I was jealous that all the boys were able to go out on their own without the parents to go snowboarding. I begged my parents to take me for snowboarding lessons but they refused. They didn’t want me going out with Louis and his friends. I made Niall give me lesson and since then I haven’t touched a pair of skis.

“Let’s get you a board then.” I picked out the one I wanted and paid the rental fee. “Lou, why aren’t you getting yours?” Niall asked him.

“I’m skiing this year.”

“Seriously man?”

“He promised me” Brianna cooed, wrapping her arms around Louis’ waist. Not once has Louis ever ditched his friends when it came to this trip. She truly had him whipped this time around. All his friends would be out snowboarding while he was trailing down the bunny hill with his wench.

Zayn replicated the noise of whip. Niall, Zayn and I all burst out in laughter. “Shut up or I will leave all of you here.” We all rolled our eyes and picked up our gear. We shoved it into the open spaced that were left in the Tahoe and headed towards the lodge.

No one spoke about sleeping arrangements. Usually Amanda and I share a room. Her parents weren’t here this year. If they were they would have never let her share a room with Liam but she made it fully clear that she wanted her own room with him. Zayn and Harry claimed one room. Brianna and Louis took another. There was one room left and Niall and I still hadn’t staked claim on one.

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