"Your turn" Haley said expectantly as she dropped back down on the bed after a short bathroom break and another fridgerun for more ice cream.
"I don't get how you want to know about me and Josh, I mean, he's your brother!" Chloe grumbled and Haley rolled her eyes in that "who cares" way and the expectant look came back on her face.
"Just spill already" Chloe huffed and dug into her ice cream, taking a huge spoon and swallowing it down before she looked at Haley and sighed.
"Fine," she said and looked out the window as she talked, it was just to uncomfortable to actually look at Haley as she told her everything.
"Josh came while you and Cam was getting hot and heavy in one of the corners" she said with a grin and felt highly pleased with herself as Haleys face once again turned red and she glared at her.
"Enough about me and Cam!" she said annoyed and sent her a pointed look and Chloe smiled but held her hands up in surrender.
"Okay well, at that point I was still dancing with Toby, but it was weird you know" she said and adopted a thoughtful look and Haley unconciously moved in a little closer and looked at Chloe curiously.
"What was weird?"
"Well, first of all it was like I could feel him the moment he stepped into the club, and secondly when he saw me dancing with Toby I could see him physically tensing up everywhere and his look hardened and then when he started walking towards me, Toby just let me go and backed away in like surrender or something, I don't know, it was just weird" she said with a shrug and barely caught the widening of Haleys eyes but she didn't think much of it because it was gone as soon as it appeared.
"And then what?" she said and cleared her voice that had a trace of something strangely similar to angry in it.
"And then, I sort of dared him to catch me" she said with a sheepish grin and Haley through her head back and laughed.
"Seriously?" she nodded her head and smiled shyly before she joined Haley and laughed a little.
"And just to warn you, don't dare a guy to catch you if you're in heels, it's painful" she said and frowned as she thought about how much her feet had hurt while she was trying to run and hide, not plesent.
"Warning noted" Haley smiled.
"Of course he caught me, and it was kind of embarrassing really because it only took him like five minutes, I mean I don't know how he did it because the place was crawling with people and it was impossible to tell people apart, but he still caught me" she said with a defeated sigh and Haley smiled inwardly, knowing very well why Josh had been able to catch her so fast.
"And after that it was like with you and Cam I guess, when we first kissed there was like no going back" she shrugged and Haley looked at her knowingly and a teasing smirk spread over her face.
"Mhm, I saw you guys on our way out, and I mean you two were much worse than us, when we walked past you your legs were wrapped around him and he was all over you" Haley said and wiggled her brow. Chloe gaped at her and threw her hands up to cover her face, she could not believe they had seen that.
"Oh my god, this is so embarassing!" she groaned.
"It's fine, just please don't ever make me see that again" Haley said seriously and Chloe felt a blush creep onto her cheeks, poor Haley having to see that, she felt so ashamed.
"I'm so sorry" she murmured and Haley laughed as she pried her hands away from her face.
"I said it's fine, don't worry about it" she said pointedly and Chloe nodded her head and bit her lip, she couldn't help but find it a little bit amusing, but mostly embarassing though.
"But, I mean, do you like him?" Haley said nosily, but it was important for her to know because she had a suspicion about what was going on and she needed to know if Chloe felt something for Josh.
"I don't know" she said honestly.
"I mean, we hardly know each other, but the way I feel around him and just how I'm a completely different person whenever I feel him around it's like," she sighed and caught a disgruntled expression.
"I don't know how to explain it, but I guess you can say I like him" she admitted and Haley relaxed inside, she was afraid she would say that it was only a one time thing or something because that ment something wasn't right with her brother, well something wasn't right but in a different way though.
"Hmm" Haley said deep in thought, she needed to talk to Josh, he had a lot of explaining to do and it better be a good one she thought grumpily.
"But you still haven't answered my question" she turned to Chloe confused and she smirked at her.
"What did Cam want?" she said with exagerating movements and Haley groaned, she'd thought Chloe had forgotten about that by now.
"He wanted to know if I'd go out with him" she mumbled and Chloe grinned and wiggled her brows.
"Sure it wasn't a booty drop-by?" she teased and Haley gasped, picking up another pillow and slamming her with it again.
"It was not!" she argued and Chloe covered her face while laughing.
"Okay, okay, I believe you!" she shouted and Haley stopped hitting her with the pillow looking at her disgruntled.
"But you are going out with him, right?" Chloe asked as she peeked over the covers she was hiding behind and Haley just narrowed her eyes at her.
"I told him I'd think about" she muttered and smiled.
"You're so going out with him, but I'm happy for you" Chloe stated as she once again dug into her ice cream and moaned at the heavenly taste, during the last twenty four hours she had realized one thing, nothing is better then sex and ice cream.

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