Life With Black Veil Brides.

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When I woke up, Stacey was shaking me awake "Get up! Get up! It's already 4:00!" She yelled in my ear and then I jumped out of bed grabbed some clothes and ran into my bathroom, got dressed, brushed my hair and then it was back to its dyed emo, scene form. Ran out of my bathroom ate breakfast and soon enough it was 4:50. "Stacey come on!" I yelled and then she finished eating and we ran out the door. When we got to the place where Black Veil Brides was playing, we hopped out of my car ran to the ticket booth, gave the nice man our tickets and ran inside. Somehow we managed to get front row seats. When we sat down, the show just started. They played Fallen Angels, Perfect Weapon, and more until the show was over. We were really happy. I got to see my crush Ashley, who is in fact a boy. But, when the show was over I said in my mind "Awww" and on our way out I bumped into one of my enemy's "Hey, watch it!" Mackenzie said and she just started beating me up for no reason! Stacey was no help at all. She just ran off probably getting into MY car and drove off. Some friend! Before I got punched really hard in the face and got knocked out, I heard a male voice yelling "Hey! Get away from her!" And then my eyes closed. When I woke up I was on a couch. I had no idea where I was. I sat up quickly and looked around really fast. "Where am I?" I asked "Um, well, your in our recording room" I heard a man with a little bit of a deep voice say.

Life With Black Veil BridesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora