The first date

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The first date was a punk rock princess dream. It was a concert. Skillet would be there and I was stoked. We sat in line for a solid 5 hours. We were right at the front. For five hours I got to have almost his full attention. It was heaven. When the doors finally opened we rushed in and go the best seats in the house. They were the closet you could be without having to have VIP tickets. The other bands were playing (I knew some and sang along a little, but that wasn't the real reason I was there.) He was the reason. That and FREAKING SKILLET.

We went out to get some food while a band we didnt really like was playing. The entire ride up there and the five hours we spent waiting we were flirting the entire time. As we were walking through a massive crowd, he turns to me and says "Take my hand I don't want to loose you." So I grab his hand and held. (Little did I know that would be the same hand I am still holding over a year later.) The feeling was absolutely euphoric. It was like I had just eaten the worlds best chocolate bar and won a million dollars at the same time.

We went back into the stadium and we both crossed our arms and half held hands. (I know. Lame.) But it was sweet. Finally the time had come SKILLET. The lead singer jumps out in stage as fire shoots from the stage. I am a decent distance away abd can feel the heat. The songs progress as we are rocking out with the occasional head bang. Finally parts of the stage detached, I was about to touch everyone except the drummer of Skillet. I freaked out. As the came around the lead singer grabbed my hand and all I could think was how much id rather be holding Matthew's hand.

We got back on the bus to go home. It was so cold. Luckily we had a blanket. We covered ourselves and held hands. God. Why does this feel so nice. I thought. Everyone on the bus soon fell asleep. We were whispering to each other, just having a normal conversation then it happened. We were unreasonably close. As I leaned in so did he and thats the day I died.

Figuratively of course. We kissed a little more and finally fell asleep for a little. We woke up right before we got home. He kissed me again and then explained that I was his first kiss. (This is real not fake) I was shocked but honored. We got home and I got off the bus. Now I'd like to say that he swept me off my feet and asked be to be his girlfriend by singing to me or something, but that simply did not happen. As he hugged me he whispered into my ear "This means we are dating, right?" I replied with "Yes." As I heard him utter "Thank God." That Friday the 13th I became his. And all this time I thought Friday the 13th was supposed to be unlucky. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world

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