A New Side of Malfoy- Chapter 6

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A New Side of Malfoy

Chapter 6


            Both Aris and Draco arrived at the hospital wing where Madame Pomfrey quickly diagnosed them both with several cracked ribs. Aris still had not woken up and Draco thought that it was probably a good thing considering the pain he was in. They were both treated with a vile tasting potion which had them both coughing and it even woke Aris up. They had been placed in beds right by each other.     

            Both Professor McGonnagel and Professor Snape were still in the room at the end of their beds. “Professor Snape and I have both decided that once you two have recovered there will have to be some kind of punishment. These pranks amongst the students that originated with you two is going to end, so you both better be on your best behavior in this hospital wing or so help me....” she didn't finish her sentence but walked out of the wing followed by Professor Snape.

            “Did you have to try and kill me,” Aris groaned, still in pain, “I guess making my life miserable isn't good enough.”

            Draco punched the mattress with his fist, which hurt like hell and caused him to wince, “I told you it wasn't me,” he said angrily, “besides if I had wanted you dead, would I have rushed to save you.”

            Aris was quiet as she thought back on it. She had been so terrified as the ground was getting closer and closer that she hadn't been able to think. She just knew that someone strong had grabbed her before she hit the ground and she had held on for dear life. If it had been Malfoy that was responsible he would not have went out of his way to help her.

            “Thank you, I guess,” she said quietly. It was hard to thank her tormentor.

            “Well, you’re welcome, I guess,” he said looking over at her. Even tired, beat up, and in pain she looked really beautiful lying there. Just then Madame Pomfrey came over, “Here's a potion for the both of you. It will help with the pain and let you sleep.” They both drank it down and it wasn't long until it kicked in and they both were sound asleep.

            Aris awoke to the sound of moaning. She had forgotten where she was at first. She looked over to the bed beside her and noticed Malfoy tossing and turning, mumbling something about his father. He was obviously having a bad dream, he kept tossing and then Aris noticed what looked to be tears on his checks. She couldn't just lay there.

            She quietly got up, grabbing her side because it still hurt badly. She slowly made her way over to his bed. “Malfoy,” she said gently, placing a hand on his arm. He didn't wake up and was still turning in his bed, mumbling with tears running down one cheek. “Malfoy,” she gently shook him.

            She always knew he was handsome, but right now he looked very vulnerable and sad. She knew his dad had been sent away and it was just him and his mum. It almost broke her heart to see him so upset.

            “Draco, please wake up,” she whispered actually using his first name, her hands on both sides of his face to stop him from tossing; she could feel the tears on her fingers.

            Suddenly his eyes opened, they were that gorgeous silver-blue that usually looked at her coldly, but there was something else there now. She still had her hands on the sides of his face and he was looking deeply at her. Then he shocked her, he reached up and grabbed her to him, hugging her tightly. She didn't know how much he needed that hug. He had so many things going on in his life, things he didn't like thinking about, things no one could know, and the nightmares wouldn't seem to stop. He just needed someone right now.

            “It will be alright,” Aris whispered, not knowing how to respond to being in Draco Malfoy’s arms. One thing she did know was it felt good, really good. How could someone go from being your worst enemy to this in just a matter of hours?

            “Sorry,” Malfoy said, pulling away from her, “I didn't mean to do that. I didn't think and I've had a lot on me.”

            “You don't have to apologize,” Aris said looking at him, “we all need a hug every once in a while.”

            “Yeah, well I didn't mean to wake you, I've just been having some bad dreams lately,” he explained embarrassed.

            “It's okay. By the way, I'm sorry I accused you of messing with my broom and didn't believe you at first. I want to thank you again for helping me,” she said looking away. He took her hand briefly, “Hey, I don't blame you; I would have thought the same thing. You don't have to thank me. I was glad to help you,” he looked deep into her bright green eyes; he squeezed her hand before letting go, “Goodnight Donavon, I'm sorry I woke you.”

            She slowly got up where she was sitting on the edge of his bed and made her way to her own bed, and she lay there for a moment, “Goodnight Malfoy,” and she fell asleep.

            The next 3 days in the hospital wing were peaceful with her former tormentor lying in the bed beside hers. She got to know him a little better and found that he wasn't the snobby prat he liked to act like around everyone else. He actually had a sense of humor and was smarter than she thought he was. They talked about things at Hogwarts and some of the funny things that happened to some of the students. Aris felt like she was seeing a side of Draco Malfoy that few people ever saw.

            They played a few games and Aris even beat him a few times at wizards chess and he wasn't the sore looser she thought he might be and he even taught her some excellent moves to help improve her game. Things were going good until the day they were to get out of the hospital wing, and then the snobby arrogant Slytherin was back.

            As they were leaving he turned to her with his sneer, “Well, I guess I'll see you around Donavon,” and with that he left. Aris didn't want to admit but it stung a little. She had gotten to know a different Malfoy, a Malfoy she found herself very much attracted to, and now that Malfoy was gone.

            Aris went back to her classes. At least there were no more pranks, but even worse was the fact that Malfoy ignored her completely. She would watch him every now and then, but to him she might as well not exist because he paid her no attention.

            That afternoon Aris and Draco were meeting Professor McGonnagel and Snape to find out their punishment. Aris entered the room and Malfoy was already there. She sat in the chair next to his but he didn't even look at her. Both Professors' decided that they were going to serve detention with Professor Hagrid. It was to start that night and they were both to meet at his cottage after dinner at 7:00.

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