Chapter 1: the Power of the Dark Side

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Hux PoV

Once Yur'ama and Kira had gathered in our apartment, I gave them a final briefing. "Qavis finally got back to us. He found Skywalker on an ocean planet in the Unknown Worlds. The planet is called Kharos. We are leaving tonight and will rendezvous with Qavis a few miles away from where Skywalker is hiding."

"Finally. We get to finish the job and get our pay." Kira leaned against the wall and scuffed her boots against it. I winced inwardly as she left dark marks all along her wake.

"Yes. That's our next order of business." Kylo stepped forward with a large, flat box. "Your pay, as promised. If we succeed, we will give you an extra fifty percent of the original." He paid each hunter what they had agreed on. I had already handled the other three, some of whom I had had to bribe.

"This job is getting better and better." Kira pocketed the credits and elbowed Yur'ama. "Why the long face, sexy?"

We had both gotten use to Kira's flirting and somewhat shocking attitudes. Apparently the stiff Twi'lek mercenary was not as used to it, despite him being attractive as well.

"Nervous. That's all." He backed away from her as he took the money.

"Nerves can be good. You won't get cocky and be stupid on the field. Just don't let them rule you," Kylo told him as he joined me,"you use that fear to keep you focused."

"Now that money is taken care of, we can go. We are taking my ship, Firestorm. It is one of the nicest ships in the galaxy." We walked into the hangar. Upon seeing the ship, Kira recoiled and leveled her blasters on us.

"So you're the First Order's new thugs?" She gestured at the ship. "That type of ship is for high ranking officers only, and if you stole it, you have a high paying bounty on your head. When we met, I checked you both out and saved your images." She waved her hand in front of her face and suddenly, the image of an attractive young woman melted away to show her as a Clawdite shapeshifter with cybernetic implants. "Neither of your names are real, and not only that, you both line up perfectly with the vital stats and physical appearances of two of the First Order's biggest junkies. General Hux and Kylo Ren." She glared at us. "I'm right. You're stuck. You tricked us all and you're just trying to get us arrested."

Suddenly, Kira's lightsaber flew through the air into Kylo's hand. He Force grabbed her and pulled her into him as he ignited her lightsaber. "Stealing is wrong too." He smiled thinly into her face. "It's only right that I take back what's mine."

Kira dropped to the floor, dead. I watched in mingled horror and resignation. It was necessary, yet it was a brutal death and something that removed some of our advantage.

"Do you want to back out, Yur'ama?" He asked the Twi'lek.

"You paid me and the mission hasn't changed. Kira was a big time hunter, she knew the risks and should have not cared about your identity. Let's get out of here." The Twi'lek did not look happy, but he was willing to stick around it seemed.

"Good. Let's get going." Kylo opened the hatch of the ship. "We are fully stocked and fueled. I'll pilot, unless you want to."

"I'm fine," I replied. "You get us off of Coruscant and I will get Yur'ama settled."

I walked into the cabins with Yur'ama and showed him where everything was. He seemed please with the facilities, and he promptly sat on his bed and started cleaning his Verpine blaster.

"We are a go," I said, walking up to Kylo as he planned our hyperspace route.

"Good. Then we will hit hyperspace in" He punched in the button and the world turned into long streaks beside us.

I sat down by him and watched him as he monitored the state of the ship and its controls. I was in love with Kylo and would die to protect him. I hoped that our success would eliminate the darkness and anger that was ruling him at the moment. Ever since we had begun this endeavor, he had become more ruthless and uncompromising. We still had the same goal, but where I had been more brutal, he now ruled. The swift brutality with which he had eliminated Kira worried me. He killed her. In cold blood he had run her through.

While I had not fought in combat like Kylo, what I saw was atypical of your average fighter. He was much more angry as he fought, and it fueled his brutality and destruction.

I did not want my lover to become obsessed with hate and grief and anger. In some ways, I understood why the Dark Side was avoided and demonized. That was why I would do my best to keep Kylo close and never give him further incentive to become worse. I did not want to be catalyst to calamity when I could have the man I loved.

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