Draco get's a glimpse

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So guys. The last headline was not really fitting the chapter. So this one is exactly what the headline says😉 when you have an idea how the story could continue then tell me in the comments. I will use some ideas and dedicate the chapter to you. Now have fun reading

Harry's P.O.V.

They finished eating and cleaned up. Draco told Harry he was going out to buy food and asked if he wanted something.

"Could you buy some cream? And peas? I could cook spaghetti emiliana tonight." Harry suggested. Draco nodded and left through the fireplace. Harry decided to go out and get his stuff from Ginny. He apparated to their home which was a little cottage with a garden full of flowers. Ginny had insisted on growing some vegetables in the garden as well and he hadn't complained back then. But Ginny was too busy practicing Quidditch, so Harry had had to take care of the garden. Now he walked along the little path to their front door. He put the key in the lock and opened the door.

"Ginny? Are you home?" He called. No answer. 

'She's probably training. As usual.' He thought bitterly. 

She had always left him alone. He stepped inside and closed the door behind himself. Harry didn't even look around. He walked right up the stairs and into their old bedroom. He spotted a suitcase with a note sticking to it. 'Harry' stood there in Ginny's handwriting. She had obviously wanted to floo the suitcase to him. Harry looked through their wardrobe to see if Ginny forgot something. Didn't look like it. He wrote Ginny a note, that he had taken the suitcase and then he flooed back to Draco's place. It was still weird that they lived together. They had been enemies since first year and now they shared a flat. Harry unpacked his things and put them into the wardrobe. His thoughts wandered to the 'kitchen accident' this morning. The fact that he had gotten a hard on just from being pressed against Draco was really confusing. He didn't even like Draco that way. Or did he? Well, Draco was indeed very handsome. The white-blonde hair, which was longer then when they were in school, kept falling sexily into his face. His features where fine and those cheekbones! They looked as if they could cut through glass! His eyes where a different story. They were a mixture between grey like a storm cloud or bright blue like the sky on a winter day. He could stare into them for hours on end. Draco's body was slim, with broad shoulders but not as broad as Harry's. Still deep in his thoughts he hadn't noticed a little bottle of floo powder in the suitcase. He lifted the next shirt and the bottle fell to the ground and the content of it got poured all over Harry and the floor.

Great, now I must shower, clean up and wash my clothes! ,he thought with a heavy sigh.

He slipped his sweater over his head and shook the floo powder off as good as possible. He threw his things in the washing machine and with a flick of his wand the ground was clean too. If you wonder why Harry didn't clean off himself with a spell: It would ruin the sweater and probably dye his hair blue or pink, 'cause its magical powder and it's reaction to magic, other than flooing, is dyeing things. Strangely, the ground was the only thing that wasn't affected. Harry got a new pair of trousers and a V-neck and went to the bathroom. He discarded his briefs and stepped under the shower.

Draco's P.O.V.

After buying cream and peas for Harry he apparated back home. He had met Pansy in the store. They talked a bit and he told her that Harry was staying with him. First Pansy thought he was joking, but soon she realised he wasn't. She was downright shocked that Draco of all people let Harry, the golden boy, live with him. Little did she know that Draco had a tiny crush on Harry. Okay, tiny was an understatement. He was madly in love with him. Had always been since he spoke up for his family after the war. Draco opened the fridge and put everything inside.

"Harry, I'm back!", he called. 

No answer. Hmm, maybe he was in his room listening to some weird muggle band through even more weird things called 'headphones'. He had seen some Muggleborn using them in Hogwarts and wondered what they were, so he looked them up. Gosh, those muggles were weird. In his opinion, nothing could beat a good old orchestra. He went to Harry's door and knocked. Draco had manners after all.

"Five seconds!", came Harry's muffled reply. 

Draco counted in his head and then opened the door.

"Harry, do you wa-", he started but was stunned silent. 

Harry stood there all bare chest and six-pack with just his briefs on. There was a towel on the floor, so he had been showering when Draco called first.

'Dear Merlin, those abs!', Draco thought. 

Playing Quidditch had given the golden boy a rather muscled chest and he had the cutest bellybutton Draco had ever seen. There was a path of light black hair trailing downwards from his navel into his pants.

"Draco?" Harry's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. Damnit, he had been staring again! Harry smirked and gave Draco a knowing look.

"Like what you see?"

'Oh, sweet Merlin, yes!', He thought inside. On the outside he was his cool collected self. Or at least he hoped so.

"It's not my fault you aren't capable to dress properly!" He stated. Harry gave him his best Really? -look.

"I said you should wait!"

"You said five seconds! That were five!"

"Oh Draco, that's a muggle saying! We say five seconds and mean just wait I'm half ready." Harry explained.

"Oh..." He said dumbly. Harry just smiled and shook his head. He picked up his shirt and put it on.

"Anyway, what did you want?", Harry asked. Draco had to restrain himself from pouting when Harry hid those delicious looking abs from him.

"I wanted to tell you I'm back, duh. And I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out for lunch." Draco answered. Harry nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Let me just finish dressing and we can go."

Draco nodded and left, closing the door behind him. He was still flashed from Harry's abs. Wow, that had been quite a sight! Draco hoped that now that they lived together, he would get more glimpses of Harry.

Hey my wizards! It took me really long to finish this chapter. I wanted to publish this on Sunday as a little Easter present but I wasn't anywere near finished. I hope you liked it!

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