Chapter 2

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I walked past the few houses that separated myself and Nicole. I thought about how close we are and how if it wasn’t for her, I’d probably have gone off the rails by now.

When it was my first day of school, I was terrified. I was only five bare in mind and I had no friends. I didn’t know anyone there and I was worried that I would get left out of any games. Nicole spotted me and allowed me to join.

We were colouring in and I wanted the red pen but so did a few other kids. I got very angry and threw it across the room and shouted. A lot of the kids hated me and got angry at me, but Nicole just laughed and started throwing the pens with me. Not out of anger but to make me feel better. It definitely worked, I’ll give you that.

Ever since then, we’ve been really close. She’s been able to understand me in ways that others can’t. It’s almost like she can sense how I’m feeling sometimes.

I drifted out of my memories by the wind repeating my name. Wait, my name? I'm sure the wind is calling my name, but how? I stopped to look around and see who was there, but there wasn't anyone in sight. I felt a shiver run through my whole body as I picked up my pace. My thoughts were everywhere and I felt a presence behind me as if being watched. I got to Nicole's front door and knocked as quickly and gently as I could, trying not to show my fear.

The door opened slowly as I saw light creeping to my eyes. "You look a mess!" shouted Nicole, laughing at my state.

"Thanks!" I replied sarcastically, knowing that she was right.

"Come on in, I don't want you to get cold out there. You came round soon enough though."

"Yeah, you know why."

"I couldn't blame you. I know I'm gorgeous and everything, and that you couldn't wait to see me, but you could have at least remembered that your mum was engaged." She winked at me slightly and I burst out in laughter. "What? It's true..."

"You are an idiot. Anyone tell you that before?" I whispered, walking through the front door, and I shut it slowly. Nicole laughed at my insult. She’s used to it by now.

When I remembered the noise, another shiver travelled down my back and I felt a slight surge of worry as I shut the last inch of the door, peeking outside.

"Glad to hear you two are already having fun. Nicole's been really excited about your sleep over tonight." Jennie said as she brought a bowl of popcorn and a DVD into the living room.

I took off my shoes in the hall and placed them on the rack as Nicole was just walking upstairs to get some blankets. I walked into the living room and stood in the doorway as Sam walked in. He sat down and stared at the popcorn on the table.

"You're not getting any Sam. These are just for me and Eve, so stop eyeing them up. If you want some, go and ask mum to make you some." Nicole moaned, getting annoyed at her older brother as she stomped down the stairs.

"Don't be so horrible Nicole; he can have some if he wants." I smiled at Sam who looked at me and kept a blank expression. He stood up, storming out of the room when Nicole stuck her tongue out at him. "What's wrong with him? Has he got his period again?" I whispered, taking some popcorn from the bowl and sitting down on the sofa which was covered in big fluffy pillows.

“He always has his period Eve. But he’s been really moody the last few days. Or maybe he hates you? Weird, he knows you well enough, you would have thought that he'd be used to you by now." Nicole replied with a confused expression on her face, taking a handful of popcorn and stuffing her face, making me choke on the buttery piece of popcorn which was slowly melting in my mouth.

"Ha! You so should have seen your face!" I whispered, trying to catch my breath. Nicole was trying to answer me but all I heard was a grumble. "Finish your mouthful first, and then answer." I mocked. She was trying her best not to laugh, as she was chewing really fast.

When Nicole was able to speak, she took a sip of water from the bottle on the coffee table. "I said, 'don't choke' otherwise I'll have to try to save you with a mouth full of popcorn. And you never use your manners so I don't see why I should."

"You should, because, I'm a bad influence so I'm allowed to, and you're meant to try to influence me to have good manners, not copy me." I laughed.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm better behaved than you. Thanks," grinned Nicole.

"You're welcome." I said followed by a grin.

"Girls, your dinners are ready!" Josh shouted from the kitchen. We both stood up and walked into the dining room, where we found Sam and Jennie sat at the table, already eating their McDonalds. When did Sam come back down? Or maybe he didn’t even go upstairs? No need to worry about that. Why do I care anyway?

"I thought I'd give you all a treat today. I'm feeling very generous." Josh chanted as he came into the room, holding a two litre bottle of cola. "Enjoy everyone." He sat down and kept glancing at Sam who was distant.

"Thank you very much dad." Nicole said as she started digging into her Big Mac.

"Yeah, thank you Josh and Jennie." I said as I was scoffing my chicken nuggets. I absolutely love meat. Any kind of meat. Chicken, beef, Lamb, Pork, but especially steak.

"You're both very welcome." Josh said, smiling still glancing at Sam. What was wrong with him today? Is he upset because Nicole was allowed a friend over and he wasn't? Or maybe he actually doesn't like me.

My thoughts took over me and I didn't realise that I had stopped eating; I was getting strange looks from around the room. Even Sam glanced in my direction. But it only lasted a split second.

"Are you ok Eve? You look a bit upset." Nicole's worried voice brought me straight back to reality.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" I replied, but Nicole didn't look convinced.

"Look... I know you're thinking about your mother and Mark, but you have just got to let it go." Nicole pleaded me to put a smile on my face.

"Ok" I said, pretending that she knew what was going through my head, and making sure that she stayed happy. "I will try to forget them, just for tonight." I smiled, hoping that she would change the subject.

"Good, glad to hear so. We are going to have such a good night tonight that you're never going to forget it." Nicole was excited as she blew through her straw and made bubbles in her cola.

Sam kept glancing at me. A shiver ran through my spine at the thought and I suddenly felt very self-conscious with his gaze on me.

I wonder what he is thinking.

The rest of the dinner went by with idle chit chat about school, films and any conversation that had nothing to do with my mum and Mark’s engagement. I was thankful for having these people in my life. They seemed to understand me a lot more than my own family, which made me feel a little sad.

I could smell this amazing scent in the room and was suddenly sad that I’d finished my Nuggets. I’d nearly finished my chips but ran out if ketchup, so I stretched my hand out to grab the bottle in the centre of the table.

Sam obviously had the same idea because his arm stretched out at the same time, and our hands collided.

He withdrew his hand instantly and looked down. There was a strange expression on his face and he looked sad. No, angry.

“Oh sorry Sam, you can use it first.” I smiled at him.

Everyone stopped eating now and was silently watching Sam. He stood up, pushing his chair back and stormed out if the room.

Looking around, everyone were giving me apologetic, awkward smiles, and were pitying me. This made me angry. These lovely people have given him everything he’s ever wanted and he was rude to them. I haven’t done anything wrong, and he was taking his anger out on me. For what?

For some reason, I had no idea why I was suddenly so angry. I kept finding my emotions keep surprising me, but it was hard to suppress it.

Nicole notices and stood up straight.

“Come on Eve. I think we’re all finished here. Let's go watch the movie.” She is an amazing friend.

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