03. Cafe of Memories

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A/N : soo f*cking sorry for the SUPER late update. I lost internet again. I'll try to update my works as soon as i can. Okay i'll try not to talk too much on A/Ns. I'm back with the new chapter~ okay so we left off with some cliffhangers and here we go on with the story!

And also remember Hinami is captured for now...i guess...i have something for u guys. It might not turn out like my expectations but i'll try this plot :3

You looked up to the door when the bell rang. You turn your sigh to the person who's at the door, only to find someone. That person,would be the last person you'd want to see right now.

'Shit it's haise.' You thought.

(It's happening people!! Yash!!)

He walked inside and sat on the table near the window. You walked to him to take his orders,and you were nervous. Real nervous. You could feel your hands shaking lightly. He order a cup of coffee. You come back to the counter to get one.

It seems that he didn't realize it's you. Maybe dying your hair is a good thing,for once.

Haise's POV

After a day of tiring work i went to the cafe i used to visit. That place held a lot of memories. I heard recently it was open till late night so i thought it might be a good idea to go there once in a while to take a break.

The waitress came an took my order. She seemed a bit nervous. Maybe an intern? More than that she looked familiar. Really familiar. She looked like Y/N but her hair is wine red. I wanted to ask her but somehow i just can't bring myself to do so.

"Here you go,sir." She put the cpffee on my table and then she left.

I took a sip of my coffee as the beautiful memories flashed in my mind. How i first met Y/N here after i lost my memory. And ever since then we would go here together.

But now she's gone. Who knows where. I've been looking for her for quite some time now. I wonder where she is now. After i finnish drinking my coffe i go to thr counter and paid the bill and i left the cafe. Although i was unsure of that waitress in the cafe all the way home.

(I hate u Haise :v)

Your POV

He left. And he didn't seem to notice. I sigh in relieve. Good. He didn't realize. I was glad. I got back to my work for the night. I close the cafe around 12am and went home. I finnaly sleep around 2 and wake up at nine. I didn't reallg get that much sleep but i'm fine. I myself prepared and fed my cute little goldfish.

I looked at the TV and there was a news about the CCG attacking one of the ghoul's base during their activities last night. Good thing i didn't go near there at the time.

"Well that was a lot of mess." I mumble as i look at the TV.

"I should get going." I packed my bags and put on my shoes.

Normal POV

"I'm leaving,take care." You said to your pet and chuckle at yourself before you left for work.

You enter the coffee shop. But you can only see Touka,Yomo there.

And a Hideyoshi who was running on your direction really fast.


He quickly grab your arm and drag you to the others. You looked around but no sign of Hinami. What you can see is their face looked concern,even Yomo (though not much shown in his face).

"Wait- what happen? And where's Hinami?" You asked looking around once more.

"That's what happen. She was captured by the CCG." Touka started.


"You heard the news right? The CCG attack one of the base." Hide said as you nod.

"She was nearby at the time of the attack. She got attacked by some of the ghouls and she had to defend herself,and in the end the CCG caught her." Touka explained.

You were surprised to hear the breaking news. That's why she isn't here at the moment.

"Also i hear they were going to do massive extermination." Hide added.

You know you had to find a way to save her. No matter what. Suddenly your phone rang. You excuse yourseld to pick it up and you hear F/N's voice.

"Hey,Y/N. We need you on a mission this evening can you come?" She said through the phone.

"...Yeah,sure. Text me the location." You replied.

You worked like usual for the day and when the sun sets you went to the place to do the job. Technically you're still part of the team. No one knows so it's good. You finnaly get to see your old friends again.

"We need your help. There's probably more than we can handle in there. Think you got it?" Ito ask.

"Sure. You handle the rest and i'll try to take out as many a possible." You replied.

And you're back to your work. Slaying those ghouls. There were quite some strong ones. You drive them to the alley as usual and kill them off with your chimera kagune.

But on this mission you kinda has a bad feeling. You tried to shake it off and focus on your work. You wanted to finnish this as soon as possible before someone sees you. That'd be bad if someone did. You just want this to end as soon as possible so you cam get back to your team.

You just hope that no bad things happen this time.
A/N : hope you liked it. I'm almost done with the next chapter aND YOU GUYS DIDN'T SEE THAT COMIN DID YA!! Okay i'm sorry that i put Hinami on cochlea. Some plot twist. It's about to get worse (i think) so get ready.

I think that's all for now. So see you all on my next chapter~~ bye bye~~

:ReTurn To Me [Haise Sasaki / Kaneki Ken X Reader] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now