What the signs are waiting for

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Aries: - Waiting to get money so they have enough cash to buy a muse album

Taurus: - Waiting for the apocalypse to come.

Gemini: - Waiting for their phone to charge properly

Cancer: - Waiting for the new series of Sherlock to hurry the fuck up so that they can watch it! (I know how you feel)

Leo: - Waiting for that special someone... to bring them pie

Virgo: - Waiting for that moment when someones wearing vans... *Wink wink*

Libra: - Waiting for the latest Dan or Phill or Dan and Phill youtube video to come out - directed towards MissAbbyPancakes

Scorpio: - Waiting for their pizza to get here

Sagittarius: - waiting for Kevin tran to come back

Capricorn: - Waiting for the week to end

Aquarius: - Waiting for 'You're never weird on the internet [almost]' to get to their house, so they can fangirl over Felicia's book. (Felicia day who played Charlie on spn, to all those non-fans / I was waiting for about a week for this book.)

Pisces: - waiting for My Chemical Romance to get back together. *joins the black parade* "Come to me Jared!!"

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