~ Introduction ~

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I hope you like this!

The next chapter will be longer, this one is like really short cause it's just an introduction for Zigzagoon!


Hey there! My name's Tyler and I'm a Zigzagoon. I'm small, brown and cute! But all us Zigzagoons are cute! My eyes are soft and a dark shade of brown, I'm a very kind curious Zigzagoon. My fur is all zig zaggy and a dark and light shade of brown. I have small, almost rounded, claws. I suppose I'm not much of a threat to anyone really.

I live in a place called The Grasslands in the the region of Hoenn. The Grasslands are a beautiful open area full of endless lush greenery. Only us Zigzagoon and our evolved forms inhabit the gorgeous place. Not even a human has ever trespassed. Yep, that's right this place is untouched by human hands.

Mostly all you can hear throughout the grasslands is the gentle swooshing of the the grass, just long enough to hide us. The scent of fresh air is all you can really smell because no human machines pulloute the area. Also the scent of the fellow Zigzagoons and Linoones always seem to lingers. But the thing I like most about the grasslands is that you can always feel a gentle yet cooling breeze.

Everything is pretty peaceful here!



I hope that was good so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2011 ⏰

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