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(A/N): The pic is what you're wearing if you'd like. If you don't like it then you can think of something else. I just thought it was hella cutet so I was like yes. But that's just me so... yeah. This one's kind of short but enjoy!

We spent the next few hours at Michael's house eating pizza and watching movies. At the stroke of midnight was when we really got pumped. Calum and Michael were ecstatic about the drive and were pestering Ashton to get the car already. Ash eventually gave in and ran outside to start up his minivan.

"C'mon, (y/n)!" Luke picked me up and ran me out to the car. He sat me down in the passenger's seat next to Ashton and climbed in the back with Calum and Mikey. Ashton rolled down the windows and turned up some Green Day as he pulled out of Michael's driveway.

We drove through all of Sydney, singing at the top of our lungs, with the warm spring winds streaming through each strand of my hair. I rested my head in my arms on the window sill and closed my eyes, listening to the sound of the ocean waves. The boys' yelling and the blaring radio were like silent, white noise droning in the background. I opened my eyes again and gasped at the beautiful sight before me.

Colorful fairy lights were strung throughout every inch of the small town. Despite the time being 2:00 in the morning, adrenaline from excitement flowed in my veins. I don't think I've ever felt so alive.

"It's so beautiful," I whispered.

"Isn't it?" all four boys replied. I turned to face Calum who was hovering over my seat. We sat in silence for a moment, smiling at the people that roamed the city streets. It wasn't long before Ashton's poor minivan began running low on gas but just enough to get me home. The boys dropped me off at my house and Calum walked me up to the front door, just to make sure I got in safely (you never know who could be lurking in the bushes).

"Thanks for everything Calum." I said before standing on my toes and hugging his neck. He stood there for a second or two before hugging me back. It was like hugging a big, warm teddy bear.

"GOODNIGHT (Y/N)!!" I heard the other three scream from the car. I smiled and waved at them before turning my attention back to Calum.

"Goodnight, Cal." He smiled at me one last time before we both turned our backs towards each other. I paused myself from unlocking the door when I heard his voice again.

"Oh, (y/n)?" he spoke softly.


"Welcome to our home."

~Time Skip~

It's been several weeks since the midnight drive with the boys and I haven't seen Michael, Luke or Calum at school. Every time I asked them where they were, they just told me they were "sick". It's been 4 weeks and they still haven't showed up yet. Did I do something wrong? Do they not like me anymore? I decided it was about time I found out what was really going on.

After school, I decided that since the boys were "sick" I'd pay them each a visit. Michael's house was closest so I went there first. I knocked on the door and stood there for maybe five minutes before a woman, who I assumed was Michael's mother, answered the door and smiled down at me.

"Hello, are you a friend of Michael's?" she asked kindly. I smiled as sweetly as possible and nodded. She moved out of the doorway to let me in and I gladly approached. Michael's mother led me to his bedroom where I could hear music playing loudly along with 4 all too familiar voices.

"Michael there's someone here to see you!" she said as she opened the door revealing a freaked-out Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton.

"(Y-y/n)! What are doing here?" Michael asked nervously. His mother shut the door as she left. I crossed my arms and furrowed my eyebrows in anger.

"I could ask you the same thing. How've you been? Feeling any better?" I asked, sarcasm and anger dripping from my tongue, "You too, Calum, Luke." The other two hung their heads low in shame. Ashton stood from his spot on Michael's bed.

"Boys, what is she talking about? I thought you guys told her already." He was just as confused as I.

"Told me what?" there was a moment of silence, before Calum stood and walked towards me.

"(Y/n)," he sighed, "we dropped out of school." The tenseness in my muscles released and my mouth hung open slightly as I stared at them with sad eyes.

"Why?" I whispered.

"We didn't want you to follow in our footsteps," Michael explained, "God knows where we may end up and if we don't make it big, well, we're not sure what would happen to us."

"We were going to tell you at some point," Luke continued, "We just weren't sure when." There was an even longer moment of silence until I took a deep breath and smiled.

"I can't be mad at you guys. If it's what you think is right, I don't want to drag you down." I said. The three of them looked up at me with hope and joy in their eyes. All of a sudden, I was grabbed and picked up off of the ground in a bear hug. I looked down and saw Michael hugging me close with his head between my breasts.

"Thank you so much (y/n)!" he laughed. I blushed and smiled.

"You're welcome, Mikey. Now let me go this hug is getting more awkward by the second." I said, running my fingers through his soft hair.

"Right, sorry." He laughed awkwardly and set me down.

"Well, (y/n)," Ash spoke, "Since you're already here, you might as well stay." I nodded in agreement and made myself situated on Mikey's bed, sitting with my legs crisscrossed. I listened and watched the boys rehearse some of their songs and, damn, they were amazing. There's no way they wouldn't make it big.

Maybe dropping out was a good idea after all.

(A/N): Hope you liked this chapter, I will try updating more often despite school. I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this as of right now but I'll get to the point eventually just stick with me here. Ily guys <3 later!

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