Chapter 1: Curiosity

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"I'm home," Seikatsu's voice echoed against the hollow walls of her apartment building. And with the echo reflecting back, a depressing and lonesome silence followed shortly afterward. It was the sort of numbing sound she was used to, but even with the familiarity it still sent sorrow into her being. But, with this sorrow infested in her mind, it made her stronger and much more violet, which she deemed to be a plus to her character.  Even with this fact, the strength would leave as soon as she would settle down and lay in bed, her thoughts bouncing around her mind in intervals of thousands. These thoughts then made her both become and feel weak, which she hated more than anything that ever existed. She was not a weak soul or body, and therefore did not deserve to become so. But, tonight would be different. For she had an objective in mind as she opened her birch wood door, and stepped into her bedroom.

Her eyes observed her surroundings before she sat in the chair across from her desk, to make sure no one had gotten in, or out for that matter. She regarded the worn bed, it's textured sheets smoothly covering the surface of the faded oak. With that, her eyes then darted towards the window that rested behind the olden bed, it slightly cracked open to exactly 90 degrees. She then followed her eyes as they drifted to her bookshelf, and the hundreds of novels packed neatly against one another. It seemed that nothing had been touched nor changed, and no one got in nor out. This brought her mind at ease as she then opened back up the sparkling notebook, continuing to read the rules written inside.  She found some of the rules quite fascinating, others quite bizarre and most unbelievable.
'You can not bring a human that's alive back to life' and 'If the human whose written in this notebook is dying, it will not work' or 'The person will become alive in 20 seconds.' Who came up with this shit? And eventually, upon finishing reading the bullshit rules, she stopped, breathing a heavy sigh.  "Man why are people so foolish. Making up something so ridiculous!" She then proceeded to shut the book, stroll over to her bed and plop down, sinking in it as if it were a marshmallow.

As she then closed her eyes, welcoming the depth of the godly slumber, her mind was racing with thoughts of that cursed book. What if it was real? No, that can't be. It was a stupid prank created by some fool who wanted to be like Kira. But, then again, it did feel and seem legit. No, no Seikatsu! You're being foolish for thinking such ridiculous things! Yet...was she really? Imagine the power if it were to be real...being able to bring people back to life like that would be incredible! But, she had to test if it was real. And if it was real...

As these thoughts danced along her mind, she had revolted upwards, and was now fully clothed in outdoor gear; A grey winter jacket with black lacing, heavy wear heeled boots, and very thin-but warm-black gloves. And with this outdoor gear, she accessorized with the Life Note, and was ready to test if it's ability was what it said to be. 

By the time Seikatsu came back to terms with reality after she had blindly rushed outside, she found himself in a graveyard by a church. What church was it? Well, she really wouldn't be able to tell you. Looking at all the graves around made her suspect it was probably an older church; She never saw any of the newer ones possessing such fragmented stones. What brought more evidence to this fact was that each and every stone seemed to be from the early to late 1800's. So, an abandoned church then? Not creepy at all. Not one bit. All sarcasm aside, it truly wasn't as creepy as she expected it to be. Even with the looming darkness overhead or the haunting caws from ominous birds, no shiver was sent down her spine. There was one thing, of course, that made her bones jump out of her skin. And that was the grave she was in front of now. The grave was most definitely old. Not only due to it's faded lettering, but also the cracks along the edges, making unnecessary homes for insects of all sorts to dwell in. And no, it wasn't the eerie atmosphere this thing exhaled that made Seikatsu quiver, it was the engraved name that had faded many years ago. Someone who she could say she feared.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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