Chapter 1: Curiosity

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"Abednego, where are you going?" The voice that spoke possessed a low tone, a bit haunting to the ears of all those that heard, and in this case, Abednego.
At that moment, another voice uttered, this one much more charming and harmonious.
"Yeah, you don't have any humans to protect today."
"I dropped my notebook, alright?" Abednego defended back, as he inhaled the bitter scent of the dusky coloured rose. Was sniffing roses his unkindly addiction? Well, yes. He felt as if it gave him a romantic touch to his gentle personality. He hoped that was the case, anyway.
"Of course you did".
"Where did you drop it to this time?"
The two voices then laughed in unison, their cackle worse than humankind's stereotypical witch. To this Abednego turned around and flashed a smile. He wasn't having any of their bullshit, and certainly was ready to give them a real shocker.
"The human world". 
They stared blankly at him for a few moments, processing the information that had just been coded into their mind. Abednego couldn't help but feel himself smirk a bit; He loved when they were lost for words.
"You know if a human picks  it up, you have to become it's guardian angel, right?" The harmonizing one pointed out after his brain had adjusted to the new information.
"I know." Abednego retorted with not a hint of hesitation in his tone.
"So you're gonna make the same mistake as that God of death made?"
"Yes."  Abednego was done with the conversation at this point, and decided it was time for him to leave. He waved farewell to the two winged beings, as he shifted his direction towards the north. He then proceeded to place his hand upon the ground of heaven's garden, and chanted softly under his breath. What he spoke wasn't entirely a language, but more so a speech of syllables that tangled along the very edges of his vocal box. This type of voice was significant towards the completion of his spell; The spell that would lead him to the human world. And, to his surprise, it worked. As he halted his speech, lights began to tear their way through the earthly ground, shaping out a circular void of divine colours. Abednego chuckled as the dark abyss of dimensions drifted between him and the everlasting boredom of heaven. As he touched the void with the tip of his finger, he began to fade away into fragments of ice-like crystals. After a few moments, he was gone, and so was the portal. Vanished, as if they had never existed in the first place. What a crazy bastard.

If there was only a world with no justice, only misery, then what would the world become? How would we view ourselves, and those around us? Would it be as this society is now, except crime and depression would be something of normality and the thought of justice and joyfulness a sin? But, to be honest with each other, that's what this world shall become. There should be nothing but pain and suffering, and all wars made this very point. Violence is the only way us, as humans, can succeed and do what we must to survive. Violence is humanity, death is humanity, and sin is humanity. And all show that this way of life could become true, and all it takes is a push...

Seikatsu now, she was an interesting woman. She was one of those cynical humans beings that despised the world, and every last thing that was associated with it.  She was one of those people that mumbled to themselves about these facts, in hope that somehow they would influence those around them, to make them think in the same way. Act the same way. But, it seemed that never was the case. Well, for Seikatsu anyhow.  That's why after about a half an hour of trying, she gave up, put up her collar and left.

Upon opening up the door of the police station, she felt the urge to wrap her finger around her bleached hairs, and twirl it around her fingers in a rhythmic pattern. This was one of the very compulsive obsessions she possessed, but it was one that she didn't know the origin of. Maybe it had been something she picked up from a show when she was younger, and that habit stuck with her for years. Another possibility is that it could be an anxiety reliever from her stressful, long days at work. Or maybe it was just one of her various quirks. She didn't know, nor did she care. This fact especially became apparent as something on the ground caught her eye. She went towards the unknown object curiously, until it was clear as to what it was; A notebook. Not really a fascinating thing to be so curious about, it was an ordinary day object that you saw around all the time. But, what was strange about this one, was the almost blinding colour it possessed- an iridescent white.  She had never seen a notebook with this characteristic before, and that only indulged her more so to pick it up. And so she did,  tilting in all directions to see the shimmer of white against the reflection of the sun. Upon doing this, she saw that a title rested on the front of the cover. It was in English, which was a pain in her ass, but wasn't much more than that. With a few moments of mental translations, she came to the conclusion of what the title read.
"Life note...interesting." She observed aloud. "Wonder if it belongs to a server of God or something?"
Unable to keep her curiosity in check, she opened the notebook to the first page.  The inner section of the notebook wasn't anything too incredible. It was a dull white page with words of black ink spread evenly along it. Whoever had written in here certainly had neat handwriting, for even if what was written looked rushed, it possessed neatness to it. But, as the cover had been English, so were the rules. Damn.
"Man why are they all in English?" She sighed heavily, as she decided to translate this sentence aloud. It was quite a hefty one.
"'The humans whose name is written in this notebook will become alive,'" she couldn't help but chuckle a little at that, "What a bunch of bullshit."
She breathed a laugh, as she folded the book back together and placed it back in the position she found it. But, as she started to walk off, she felt a force- which wasn't entirely hers- make her look back at the strange notebook. Just like her urges to play with her hair, she had an urge to go back and pick up that notebook. And also much like her addiction, she indulged in the activity, as she picked up the shimmering notebook, laid it in her bag, and left.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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