chapter . one //

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scarlet forever:


Waking up at '5:30 a.m' is something I didn't enjoy to happen each morning.

My mind has exploded with reasoning and questions to why, I have to get up and get ready for something I don't like.

But being me was hard...I get judge because I'm not like the others.

Groaning, I stayed in bed for an extra five minutes. I wasn't up for washing my face since I did it the night before.

- five minutes passing-

I finally got the strength to get up and get ready, so I rolled out of bed, making my way to the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, I saw someone totally different. It was an ugly girl who didn't like her own-self.

She was bullied each and every day. She wanted to leave the world, but knowing it would put others in pain.

Sighing, I turned the foist on brushing my teeth while thinking.

Thinking how today is gonna be it gonna be like the other days or different?

Once again sighing, I spit the remaining toothpaste out my mouth, and washed my mouth out.

I then shut the water off and patted my face dry, wherever the water went.

Then I shut the lights off and shut the door. I then sat down at my vanity, grabbing my makeup and began with the regular routine.

I first applied my BB cream along with concealer. Blending everything out, I did my eyebrows and contoured slightly.

Afterwards, I did my eyelashes and finished up my look with lipgloss.

Putting everything away, I got up and began to put some Bath&Body works lotion on that's rose scented. After that I put on some deodorant and headed to my closet.

I knew that I was gonna struggle finding an outfit to wear.

So spending half my time I couldn't find nothing. It made me lightly mad so I went to ask my mom for help.

- downstairs in the kitchen -
As I entered the kitchen a strong aroma was filling the air. Eggs and bacon, yum! As I walked to my mother, she sat a plate down for us two and began talking.

"Need help?" My mom smirked, knowing I needed help.

I slightly nodded eating my food rather quickly. "Well you continue eating, I'll find an outfit okay?" She spoke again and I nodded.

Watching her presents leave the kitchen, I finished up with eating and set my plate in the sink.

Then I turned my heels and walked up the stairs to my room to once again, to brush my teeth.

- in her room -
As I was brushing my teeth, my mom was searching my entire closet.

"Okay so here it is," Savannah spoke and headed my outfit with shoes.

-her mom's name is Savannah-

"Thank you so much!" I hugged her tightly and set the clothes on my unmade bed.

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