Chapter 2

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Cordelia woke up a little a later than usual. "Delia?" Zoe said knocking on the door. The supreme witch still waking up told Zoe to come in. She walked over to Cordelia's bed and sat down. "How are you feeling?" Zoe said placing her hand on Cordelia's leg for support. "I failed." Delia said as tears started building up in her eyes. Zoe could feel how hurt she was. She crawled up beside Cordelia and got under the covers with her. The two witches had developed an extra close relationship with each other. "Oh Cordelia." She sighed putting her hand around her. "It is alright. Sometimes we need to let go of people in order for us to move on." Zoe said. "Don't you get it Zoe. I loved her! She was something special to me." Delia said as a few tears forced their way out of her eyes.

Did Delia just come out to me? Zoe thought for a second.

"I understand Cordelia. You're hurt.... Let me go get you some food and I'll bring it back up here for you." Zoe said getting up. "Okay. Thanks Zoe." Cordelia said in a sad whisper.

Awhile later...

Cordelia finally managed to get herself out of bed. She wanted to go to her greenhouse and practice some magic.
When she walked in she saw someone bringing a plant back to life. "Well would you look at that! I can still do this spell!" Misty said with excitement. Cordelia's mouth dropped open and before anything else happened she ran up to Misty giving her a tight hug. "Misty! My spell worked!" Delia said pulling away gazing into Misty's eyes. "It sure did Miss.Cordelia!" Misty said staring back her.

"I'm so glad you're back. I've have missed you so much Misty." Delia said as they entered her bedroom. "Thank you Miss.Cordelia. I can not thank ya enough." Misty said. Delia sat down on her bed. "We will have to share a room since there are new girls at the coven. I hope you don't mind." Delia said excitedly yet nervously. "I don't mind." Misty said. Misty walked over to Cordelia and stood in front of her. "I can't wait for you to meet the new witches!" Cordelia said standing up to give Misty another warm hug fillies with love.

Another while later... (Dinner)

Misty walked into the dining room with Cordelia. She saw all the new witches sitting around the table and started to feel butterflies in her stomach. "Misty? Is that really you? I told you to believe in yourself Delia!" Zoe said getting up to hug and welcome back Misty from death. "Well hello Misty." Queenie said. 
All the witches began to eat their dinner and towards the end Misty began to get more and more comfortable sitting next to Cordelia. "So how'd you even come back?" Queenie asked with a little attitude. Now Queenie wasn't entirely fond of Misty. "I brought her back." Cordelia said a bit defensive grabbing Misty's hand. Some of the witches tried not to stare at how Delia grabbed Misty's hand. "I knew it would work. I'm happy your back." Zoe said lightening the mood.

After dinner all the girls went to their rooms and Misty followed Delia into her room. "I got some towels and an extra nightgown for you to wear. You can shower first." Delia said walking out of her closet.

Misty took her shower and and laid on the bed waiting for Cordelia to finish hers. She was wearing one of Cordelia's long nightgowns that was light pink with a little bit of lace on the top half.

"Um Misty?" Delia called from the bathroom. "Yes Miss.Cordelia?" Misty replied. "I accidentally left my nightgown on my nightstand. Could you please bring it to me." Cordelia asked politely. Misty got up and grabbed her night wear. "Here ya g-- Oh ma' gosh! I'm so sorry Miss.Cordelia!" Misty said turning her back and quickly closing the door. "I thought ya had your towel on. I should have knocked first." Misty speaks through the door embarrassed. "Misty don't worry! Really. We are all women here it isn't that big a deal." Delia chuckled as she walked out the door. "A-alright." Misty said with a little giggle.

Delia looks so sexy in her white nightgown. Misty thought and smirked as she got into bed with Cordelia. Delia turned on the TV so they could would be entertained before falling asleep. "Thank ya Miss.Cordelia... For bringin' me back to life." Misty said yawning. "You're so welcome Misty. I loved you too much to let you go." Cordelia said turning to her side to face Misty. "It's getting late I'll keep the TV on for you." Delia quickly said. Misty turned to her side so she could also face Cordelia. "Goodnight." She whispered and placed a small kiss on Cordelia's forehead. "I love you. Goodnight." Delia said feeling a warm sensation in her body. "I love you too." Misty said resting her head getting more comfortable. Soon after Misty had fallen asleep watching TV and both witches were sleeping soundly next to each other.

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