Chapter 5

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She kept pinching herself throughout the day expecting to wake up from this terrible nightmare. Unfortunately, she realized it wasn't a dream.
The day went by extremely slow. As soon as the dismissal bell rang, Grace was out the door. She was very tired, but she was still ready to have a great time at her date tonight. By the time she got home, she had about 4 hours to get ready. She watched a couple episodes of Dance Moms, had a quick snack, and took a thirty-minute nap. Grace decided to curl her hair, wear very fancy makeup, and wear a pretty, yet sexy dress she hasn't gotten the chance to wear in a long time. As she was putting on her lipstick, she heard her laptop ding in the livingroom. She walked down the hallway and sat on the couch. She opened her laptop and saw a message from Hannah.
"Hey! I'm on my way :)"
'I'm almost ready,' she thought. She made a few finishing touches to the look and put on her shoes. Now, she was ready. She couldn't decide what to do with herself in the time she had to wait for Hannah to get there, so she got on Instagram. Seven minutes later, the doorbell rings. She got up to answer the door, then realized she didn't want to answer it too quickly, or Hannah will think she's creepy. She counts three Mississippi seconds and heads for the door. 'Here we go.'
"Hi, Hannah! It's nice to meet you!" Grace said.
"Hi, Grace! The pleasure is all mine."
Grace blushed immensely. Hannah took notice of this and smiled.
"Are you ready to go?" Hannah asked.
They walked to Hannah's car and got inside.
"So, where are we planning to go?" Grace asked.
"I have a place in mind, but I won't tell you until we get there."
"Alright, fine. But it better be good!"
"So McDonald's it is?" Hannah said, proud of her joke.
"Oh, shut up," Grace said as she playfully punched her in the shoulder. She smiled. She has really high hopes for this date, and more importantly, this girl.

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