children of the night

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Shadow's p.o.v
I sigh. Everyone already fell asleep and again I'm the only one awake. I'm always the last one to fall asleep. I usually only sleep for about three hours. I stand up, sighing again. I quietly open the door and leave. I feel myself humming a familiar song. I don't remember where I'd heard out before but i find myself knowing the song by heart. As i sing the soft melody, i suddenly feel like I'm being watched, but for some odd reason, i feel.... Safe. I hear another voice join in. The voice is soft, sweet, and, somehow, familiar. I turn around to be greeted by the queen of the night, herself. Queen Luna. A much deeper voice then joined ours. It also sounded familiar. I then see King Sombra. All three of our voices sounded really good together. Slowly more fillies began appearing. After the song was complete there were maybe ten fillies. I looked at them. They looked back at me. Then i looked at the king and queen. That's when they say something that changes my life forever.... Well it was actually a name... It slipped from Luna's mouth barely above a whisper. " Midnight Skye... " My eyes widened. It wasn't possible... Was it? Could queen Luna be mother?  My eyes begin watering. " Mommy?" Everyone's eyes widened and they began whispering. Sombra stepped forward. "Midnight come home to Canterlot with us, please." He says. I can't leave toxic but I wanna meet my family. "I-i don't know. I can't leave toxic. He raised me... But I wanna meet my family and find out what happened." I say. Which should I choose? Then I got an idea. "Maybe... Maybe Toxic, some friend, and I can VISIT Canterlot. And we can stay in touch and I can visit." I say,.looking at them full of hope. They look at each other. "Of course." They say, smiling. I smile. " I'll see you soon them, mom." They fly away... Well except Sombra, he teleported. Then the fillies smiled, bowed, and went home. I continue to walk for a while and then go home and go to sleep.
######end of chapter######
Thanx for reading!!! :)

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