The mircale of my life

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Well like any normal teenage girl I would just yell at my mom and dad and just get grounded...

But my family isn't like that neither my friends. I don't even have to say anything and I get slapped and raped.

My mom died when I was three.She was the most beautiful woman,at least that was what I saw on the pictures.

Ever since my mom died my dad has been a abuser,a raper,and a gross man! Whatever horrible you are thinking it's much worse.

I usually get smacked and thrown down and other stuff...

There's two kind of bulling,


•They hurt but they don't kill

•but I can emotionally scar you for life


•they cause scars on your body

•it will just hurt more and more

My brother is off in college he will be back in December it's July. So it's just me and my abusive dad.

I get bullied at school too.I have no friends.The only people who know me are the snotty,bitchy,and prissy girls that run the school.They just use there words.

Now when my dad slaps,kicks,and punches it doesn't hurt.It will always feel wrong when he kisses me with his old beer tasting tung.

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