"Carambas! So you are a pettifogger? Well, you don't look it--you look

more like a young gentleman. But so much the better! But to find you

a wife--hm! hm! a wife."

"Father, I am not in a hurry about it," said Linares, confused.

But Father Dámaso began to walk from one end of the room to the other,

muttering: "A wife! A wife!"

His face by this time was no longer sad, nor was it cheerful. It

expressed the greatest seriousness and he seemed to be

meditating. Father Salví surveyed the scene from a distance.

"I did not believe that it could give me such pain," murmured Father

Dámaso in a mournful voice. "But of two evils the lesser."

And raising his voice and approaching Linares, he said:

"Come here, my boy! We will speak with Santiago."

Linares turned pale and allowed himself to be led along by the priest,

who was deep in thought.

Then it was Father Salví's turn to walk up and down the room and he

did so, meditating, as was his custom.

A voice bidding him good morning stopped his monotonous tread. He

raised his head and his eyes met Lucas, who saluted him humbly.

"What do you want?" asked the eyes of the curate.

"Father, I am the brother of the man who was killed on the day of

the fiesta," replied Lucas, in a tearful tone.

Father Salví stepped back.

"And what of it?" he muttered, in an unintelligible voice.

Lucas made an effort to weep, and dried his eyes with his handkerchief.

"Father," said he, crying, "I have been to Crisostomo's house to ask

him for indemnity. At first, he received me with kicks, saying that

he would not pay anything, since he had run the risk of being killed

through the fault of my dear, unfortunate brother. Yesterday, I went

to talk with him again, but he had already left for Manila, leaving

me for charity's sake five hundred pesos for my poor brother--five

hundred pesos--ah! Father."

The curate listened to the first part of his story with surprise and

attention, but slowly there appeared on his lips a smile--a smile

of such contempt and sarcasm at the comedy that was being played,

that if Lucas had seen it he would have fled in all haste.

"And what do you want now?" he asked, turning his back to him.

"Alas! Father, for love of God tell me what I ought to do. Father,

you have always given good advice."

"Who has told you that? You do not live here."

"But the whole province knows you, Father!"

Father Salví went up to him with his eyes full of anger and, motioning

to the street, said to the frightened Lucas:

"Go to your house and give thanks to Don Crisostomo that he has not

sent you to jail. Get away from here."

Forgetting his rôle, Lucas muttered:

"Well, I thought----"

"Out of here!" cried Father Salví, in a nervous tone.

"I want to see Father Dámaso."

"Father Dámaso is busy. Out of here!" ordered the curate, in an

imperative tone, again.

Lucas went down the stairs murmuring: "He is another. How poorly he

pays! He who pays better...."

The voice of the curate had reached the ears of all in the house,

even Father Dámaso, Captain Tiago and Linares.

"An insolent beggar who came to ask alms and doesn't want to work,"

said Father Salví, taking his hat and cane and starting toward the


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