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There, under the shade of the decorated pavilion, the great men of the

province were banqueting. The Alcalde occupied one end of the table;

Ibarra, the other. On the young man's right sat Maria Clara, and on

his left, the Notary. Captain Tiago, the alferez, the gobernadorcillo,

the friars, the employees, and the few señoritas who were present

were seated, not according to rank but according to their own fancy.

The banquet was very animated, but, before it was half over,

a messenger with a telegram came in search of Captain Tiago. The

Captain asked permission to read the message, and naturally all begged

of him to do so.

The worthy Captain at first knit his eyebrows; and then raised

them. His face became pale, and then brightened up. Doubling up the

sheet of paper hurriedly, he arose.

"Gentlemen," said he, confused, "His Excellency, the Governor General,

is coming this afternoon to honor my house."

And then he started on a run, taking with him the telegram and the

napkin, but not his hat. All sorts of questions and exclamations

were shouted after him. The announcement of the coming of the

tulisanes could not have had a greater effect. "But listen! When

does he come? Tell us about it! His Excellency!" But Captain Tiago

was already far away.

"His Excellency is coming and will be a guest at Captain Tiago's

house!" exclaimed some one, without considering that the Captain's

daughter and future son-in-law were present.

"The choice could not have been a better one," replied another.

The friars looked at each other. Their expressions seemed to say:

"The Governor General is committing another of his errors, offending

us in this way. He ought to be the guest of the convent." But despite

the fact that they thought this, they all kept silent and no one of

them expressed his opinion.

"Even yesterday he was speaking to me about it," said the Alcalde,

"but, at that time, His Excellency was not decided."

"Do you know, Your Excellency, Señor Alcalde, how long the Governor

General intends to remain here?" asked the alferez, a little uneasy.

"No, not positively. His Excellency likes surprises."

"Here come some other telegrams!"

The messages were for the Alcalde, the alferez, and the

gobernadorcillo, and announced the same thing to each of them. The

friars noticed that none came addressed to the curate.

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