The more more he thought about it the more he realized this birthday was a lot more complicated than all the other ones and that gave him a big headache.

As his mind drifted back to reality, he realized that he was now in a hotel room that was connected to a casino. He knew that he should probably go and enjoy his birthday by going in the casino, but he decided against it. Instead, he would stay up in his room and continue going through his thoughts, so he won't have to do it later.

He went to the kitchen, found a box of cereal that he didn't check the name of and plopped down on the couch to have his own little pity party. Right as he was about to begin there was a ringing from the phone right next to him. Groaning, he put down his cereal and picked up the phone and proceeded to say the normal English greeting.

"Hello?" he said trying to act as normal and happy as he could.

"Dick is that you?" asked the voice of his brother, Tim. Shit. Dick proceeded to hang up the phone and quickly gather his belongings and found the nearest exit. He waved over a taxi, popped in and told them to bring him to the airport. I guess I'll just be on planes for my whole day thought Dick. There is no other way that he be able to escape the bat family after all.

He got to the airport and soon he bought a ticket to some other random City that he didn't care to look at. As he was about to go into security, he saw a group of figures start to run towards him. He looked up from his phone to see his own family running at him.Panicky he started to run the exact other way to not be caught by them. Sadly, his plan didn't work and he was soon tackled by his other brother Jason.

"Got you ha!" Jason yelled as he pinned Dick to make sure he wouldn't escape

"Get off me Jason, you're heavier than you look" Dick said,pushing Jason off of him. "Why are you guys even here? Actually a good question is more like, how did you find me?"

"Don't look at me I don't know I just followed around because usually I'm the freeloader anyway." Jason said

Next I turned and looked at Damien. He shook his head, a bored look on his face yet I knew he was happy.

Finally I turn to Bruce and Tim. Tim is smiling madly and Bruce with a smirk on his face. Of course they would find me thought Dick with a smile. They are very smart with technology. "Alright I see you two found me. So how did you find me?"

"Our secret" said Bruce. "Let's go back home and have a good birthday like you should have had."

Everyone started to make their way to the entrance of the airport while I just stood there. I don't want to go back home. I ran away to avoid them, to avoid this the family, thought Dick. Seeing that Dick hadn't been following, the family turned around to see him standing there with an angry look on his face.

"What's wrong" said Bruce.

"I don't want to go back home. I left because I didn't want to come. I want to be left alone on my birthday. Can't I have just that?" Dick pleaded

"Don't you want to be with your family?" asked Tim in a worried voice

"It's not that I don't love you guys, because I do with all my heart. But for once I want to be left alone. I don't want to bethinking if you're all okay, I want to think about me because I never have time to think about me and now I realize that because of that,everything is piled on top of me and it's weighing me down. There's so much that it's hard to breathe."

He continued, "I don't want to be selfish at all. I strive to be selfless, but you have to care about yourself and I have not been doing that. And look at me, I get nightmares and it's hard to sleep,I don't have time to eat, I'm over working so much that's all I can think about is work and you guys and it's become too much and now I realize that. I'm sorry to put it all on you especially because it is my birthday, but this is a problem that needs to be solved and if that means doing it right now then I guess we're doing it right now."Dick chuckled

Sighing he then said, "So I will go home with you guys, but today, I just want to be left alone, if you don't mind."

By the looks on his family's faces he could tell they were surprised by the sudden outburst of all this emotion and all the problems and he had had through this year. He felt a little guilty, but he knew that it was all true and that they probably should have known if they were really close to him.

Without speaking another word, the family left the airport and got a ride back to Gotham.

~Time Skip~

As they arrived home they all went their separate ways. Bruce and Tim went back to doing whatever work they were already doing. Jason went wherever he does go and Damien went to train. Dick watched them all leave before going up to his own room.

He sat on his bed for however long, and then he heard a knock, which brought him out of his trance. When he opened the door and looked down he saw a piece of cake on a plate. He smiled to himself. Alfred,he thought. Knows what to do at the best times.

He took the piece of cake, closed his door, and went back to his bed and began eating it. When he was done with the plate, he slid it under the door and laid back down on his bed looking up at the ceiling. His mind was blank and eventually his brain caught up with the sleep he hadn't been getting and he blacked out. Little did he know that none of the family was really doing what he had thought they were doing, but instead they watched what he had been doing through hidden security cameras.

Even though Dick had said nothing, through his actions they could tell how he felt and that brought them pain. As Dick fell asleep,they were brought back to the reality of their lives and realized that Dick wasn't all happy and giggles as they had thought before.And that he was almost the exact opposite.

"Happy Birthday Dick" whispered Damian

Wow, this was really emotional. If you didn't like it I'm sorry! This one was made by the help of Google Translate so I got it out fast. I hope you enjoy that it was longer, I really liked it. I also wanted to say I DO TAKE SUGGESTIONS!! So please comment them!

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